Chapter 10 - Remember

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Chapter 10

William's POV

We are here at the auditorium once again for the fan signing. It's so sad to see that not so many fans can attend this kind of event as this costs a lot. I feel so excited as it has been a long time since we held a fansign event.

Right now, it's currently 30 minutes till the start of our event. And we're preparing for our looks and the program flow.

Here is the outfit I wore:

I like the vibe of the outfit and it matches my everyday style at home

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I like the vibe of the outfit and it matches my everyday style at home.


The time passes by fast, and we are about to start the event. Though I am excited, there's still a part of me that's nervous. I touched my hair, trying my best not to mess the hairstyle up.

As me and my members entered the hall, the fans cheered for us. We bowed in front as we greeted them happily. Their never ending cheers for us makes me and my members so delighted. We sat in our seats and we waited until the fans went one-by-one.


Mia's POV

And so it was, the program started. I already bought an album that they sell at the entrance of the auditorium. I wasn't in such a hurry so I just lined up in the middle. I can see those fans who really want to be the first to meet the boys. Many fans are in a jam in the front of the line, gosh can't they just wait. I really can't.

As the line was about to move, my turn was about to go.  Each fan only has 1-2 minutes to interact with each of the members. So, it will probably take 8 minutes to finish interacting with the four of them.

While waiting, I held onto the gifts I've bought for them. As the minutes passed, it was now my turn.

First stop or should I say the first member is Ethan. As I approached him, he smiled at me and his heavenly dimples appeared in his cheeks. I handed him my newly bought album for him to sign. I also handed him his gift which I hoped he would like. Can you guess what the gift was? Well, of course, it's a book as he loves to read them. I knew that he loved to read mystery books as he said in an interview. I looked at his reaction and he was like a kid receiving his dream toy. I chuckled at his reaction and then he thanked me. He then handed me back my album.

The next member is Francis. I love his aura. I gasped in awe as I looked at him. I handed him the album and after that, I gave him his gift. As he opened the box of the gift, I saw the shockness in his eyes. It was like he couldn't believe it. As he got the figurine out of the box he smiled while holding it. It was a figurine of his favorite video game character. I could see the happiness in his reaction. He handed me back my album and he then thanked me.

Moving on to the next member, it is William. As I sat down on the seat in front of him, we suddenly made eye contact. I felt like I was on Cloud 9. He smiled at me as I gave him the album to sign. He happily signed it and then he handed it back to me. I also gave him his gift, which he gladly accepted. He opened the bag and he chuckled as he got the stuffed penguin that was holding an electric guitar. I could tell that he loved it as his favorite animal was the penguin. I was surprised when he held my hand while thanking me. It was like my heart skipped a beat. I shaked it slowly and said that it was fine. He smiled at me like a child and I couldn't help but chuckle, seeing him like that.

After some time, it was my turn to interact with the last member, which is Ace. I was feeling nervous as I got close to the seat. As I sat down, I could feel his gaze at me. I am now fully seated, and I handed him the album to sign. Seeing him signing the album, I could feel the time passing by slowly. I felt that it was just me and my childhood friend there. As he was done signing the album, I handed him his business card. He was shocked when he saw it.

“You dropped it when you bumped into me yesterday,” I said directly to him.
“Oh, thanks,” was all he could say.

I then gave him his gift, it was a headphone and an hourglass. I saw him smiling at me as he received his gift. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

I could feel that he was thinking of something as he was spacing out. I was going to open my bag when he spoke.


I looked at him. I was stunned, I couldn't move a bit. I could feel the time move slowly and slowly. I don't know how to reply to him. Our memories start to flash through my mind.

“I-Is that really you?”

H-he knew me?! Perhaps he remembered me?


Short chapter isn't it? Will post more chapters soon, please stay tuned! I hope you like this chapter!

𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now