Chapter 1 - Crossing Over

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Im on vacation in London to see all the famous Harry Potter spots that were shot in the movies. I was taking as many photos as I could to remember this moment before I had to go back home. I had my wand that I had bought online that I loved with me. I walked around in amazement at everything I got to see. London was definitely different than New York. Despite not being from the city Ive seen it firsthand. It was packed similar to where I was now. At least people here seemed to be a little nicer for the most part. I was by myself on this vacation so I could relax after having so much happened to me over the majority of my life.

There were a few others that were also obvious that they liked Harry Potter too. It made me smile knowing I wasn't the only one. I had a special belt for my wand on my thigh so I could carry it easier. It was specially made with real leather.

I made my way to King Cross Station to see the legendary Platform 9 and 3/4. It was filled with normal foot traffic for a train station. I made sure to stay out of their way as I gawked. It was obvious to regular passersbyers why I was there. It didn't bother me.

I walked over to the legendary wall that they used for the magical passageway to get to the Hogwarts Express. I ran my hand over the brick wall. I thought I felt an electric buzz on it. I ignored it. Kids were pretending to run into the wall and stop before actually smacking face-first into it. A few teenagers did too. I decided to join in on their fun. They encouraged me to do it too. I made sure I had a good hold on all of my belongings since I didn't want to chance someone stealing my stuff if I put it down.

I had my back to the other wall facing the well-known wall. I took a running start but made sure I could stop before face-planting into the wall. Before I could slow down I tripped over my own feet and fell through the wall.

I felt my body go through the wall like it was a breath of fresh air. I landed hard on the other side. I stared at the wall behind me with wide eyes. I looked over to my left and saw the Hogwarts Express. People were running around the train. Kids and parents say goodbye to each other until either break or the end of the school year. I gapped not believing what I was seeing.

I slowly got up and ran my hands through my hair checking for any bumps or blood in case I mysteriously hit my head or something. This can't be happening.

I saw faces that I recognized from the Harry Potter universe. I felt my stomach drop. Where the fuck was I? Someone came out of the wall behind me suddenly making me jump.

"Alright everyone you know the drill," I heard a woman say. It was Molly Weasley.

I watched as she and her family walked by me with Harry and Hermione following along. Molly noticed me hanging around near the wall.

"Are you alright dear? You look a bit pale?" she asked me.

"Im new. I'm a transfer this year," I said suddenly. I had to think of something so I didn't seem suspicious. "Im not exactly sure what to do," I said scratching my head anxiously.

"Follow me I can help," she said putting an arm around me to show me. "Is this all your stuff for the year?" she asked looking around for the rest of my stuff.

"It was a last-minute transfer and I don't have many things anyway," I said holding onto my bags for dear life.

"I assume you transferred from Ilvermorny over in America correct?" she asked.

I remember doing some research on Ilvermorny so I could probably get away with this.

"Yes. I was able to get my wand before leaving to come here. Plus I'm seventeen now so I can use it outside school now if I wanted," I said holding up my wand that I had in my belt. "The school keeps underaged kids' wands during vacations. But it makes sense so there can't be underage magic use. So less trouble in the long run," I said nonchalantly.

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