Chapter 5 - New Club

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I felt someone next to me as I was slowly waking up. The room was now cool but warm under the covers. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Fred next to me still. He was still asleep. I never noticed how many freckles he had on his face. They were pale this time of year. His hair was getting long but I know the Twins plan on cutting their hair this summer.

"Good morning Harmony," he muttered out with his eyes still closed.

"Good morning Fred," I said chuckling quietly.

I watched as he stretched out slowly after waking up. His mind was slowly catching up with everything that last night. After he sat up his eyes went wide and looked at me.

"Hey," I said smirking at him.

"So I didn't just dream of everything that happened last night?"

"Depends on what you remember happening," I said with a small laugh.

"You said you're from a different universe and time." I nodded. "You told me that my world is books and movies in your world." I nodded again. "You told me what happened to me..." I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. "I also remember you said you liked me," he said after a bit. "And that I asked you to the Yule Ball."

"You did Freddie," I said with a smile.

"I slept here... Oh, Godric George is probably bloody freaking out right now because I'm not in bed."

"It's okay. He'll be fine. You weren't gone that long, just overnight."

"I should get going," he said standing up.

"Let me be a lookout so it doesn't look too bad on your part," I said grabbing my wand. I unlocked and unsilenced my room. I peeked out and didn't see anyone, I didn't hear anyone. I motioned for him to slip by me quickly and quietly. I watched as he did his best to sneak back into his dorm hopefully unnoticed. It was still pretty early and a weekend so not many would be up right now.

I shut and locked my door behind me. I did what I needed to bring the temp back up in my now cold room. Once it was finally warm enough I decided to get some more sleep before my day would start.

I was in the Great Hall for a study session that was being supervised by Snape. I sat next to Fred while George was on his other side. Angelina was across from us with Alicia and Lee. I was almost finished with my work when the Twins were whispering to each other.

"Hey Harmony how far have you gotten on our Potions work?" George asked me quietly over Fred.

"Im almost done. It's not that hard George. If you really need help I can teach you," I whispered back.

"Will you let me copy off you?"

"I can let you copy my notes but not this. Snape isn't stupid he'll notice if you suddenly start getting good in his class out of nowhere," I warned him.

"Right. Good thinking," he said.

The Twins went back to whispering to each other now. I rolled my eyes. I watched as George scribbled on a piece of paper before crumpling it up and throwing it at Ron's head when Snape wasn't looking.

"What?" Ron quietly shouted down the table.

"Getter get a move on Ronald," George whispered.

"Oh so then you've already found someone?" he asked snarkly.

George wrote on another piece of paper then crumpled it up and threw it at Angelina's head. She turned around and gave him a what the fuck look.

"What?" she mouthed since Snape was just behind her pretending to read another student's notebook. I know he's just eavesdropping on the student gossip to spill over tea with McGonagall later.

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