Chapter 13 - The Order

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Ginny woke me up that morning. I grumbled and turned back over before finally slipping out of bed. Ginny looked way too happy for this early in the morning. I shuffled my way to the bathroom before going downstairs. My hair was a bird's nest and I had dark bags under my eyes. Natasha was off somewhere, as long as she's back to leave I don't care what she's up to. When I came downstairs for breakfast I wasn't the only one looking rough. Fred looked almost as bad as me.

"Rough night?" George said looking at the both of us.

I growled but low enough that only Fred could hear me. He put his hand on my leg to help calm me down.

"What were you doing last night?" George said eyeing the both of us.

Molly wasn't in the room but the children were. Ron and Ginny looked at the both of us.

"I woke up and didn't see you," George continued.

Ron and Ginny looked at each other.

"Dont ruin this," Ron and Ginny both said in unison to Fred.

"We want more chocolate chip pancakes and more American food," Ginny started.

"Without having Mum have to break the news if she ends up pregnant again," Ron finished.

"I mean I wouldn't mind being an uncle," George said looking at the both of us. Ron and Ginny almost choked on their food.

Fred hit him upside the head twice. Once for me and the other for him because he knew I would do it if I could reach. But if I could reach I would ring his neck.

"Oi, what was that for? Aren't you two shagging right? I mean we wouldn't be mad," he said rubbing the back of his head.

I was about ready to pounce on him if Fred wasn't holding me back now. He knew I was going to try to kill him now.

"So I was right!" he said laughing.

"If you don't do something I might kill him," I growled.

"Oi George. We're not shagging you git," he said hitting him upside the head again.

"Sure you're not," he said making a snark laugh.

I was about to swipe his smile off his face before Molly entered the room again and the conversation died off quickly.

"I wouldn't mind a grandkid. Just not too soon yet," Molly said suddenly looking at Fred and me.

I spit my drink out and started coughing. Fred had to pat my back this time so I wouldn't drown in my drink. Everyone stared at Molly with wide shocked eyes.

"I mean I would like to see how your kids turn out one day," she said pinching our cheeks.

Fred and I both froze and our faces turned red. Everyone started laughing.

After we ate we all started packing. It didn't take me long to pack.

"I wish I could use magic outside of school," Ginny said as she packed her things.

"I can help," I offered.

"No it's okay," she said.

"You sure?"

"Im sure."

"Okay, well I'll see you there," I said before walking out of her bedroom. I held Natasha in my arms.

I stopped by the Twins room before making my way down. I knocked. George opened the door.

"I'll see you guys soon," I said. I could see that they were still packing.

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