Chapter 21 - Quidditch

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I slowly woke up. I have been having weird dreams lately making it hard to sleep. It was weird and every time I woke up I couldn't remember what I saw. It was weird and frustrating. I felt movement beside me and almost jumped when I felt an arm go around me. I looked and saw a sleeping Fred. So what happened last night, really happened.

"Ready for tryouts today?" he asked in a groggy voice. I had forgotten how it sounded.

"I forgot those were today," I said.

"You don't have to, you know. I just know you're just as good as Harry and the Gryffindor Quidditch team would be lucky to have you," he said as he stroked my back. It felt nice it was almost putting me back to sleep. He chuckled. "Dont fall asleep on me now." I groaned when he stopped. "There'll be more of that later," he whispered in my ear. I shivered a little, he noticed and chuckled again. "Better get up. Tryouts will be soon and you'll need food for the energy you're about to spend on a broom for a bit."

I slowly moved out of his arms before he pulled me back in.

"Forgot something," he said with a smile as he leaned me in closer to him before kissing me. After a minute of kissing he pulled back. "We better get going."

We slipped out of bed. Fred started pulling on his pajamas from yesterday and I looked for an outfit that I would stay warm in and still be able to move in. I went for sweatpants, a tank top with a sweater, and sneakers with warm socks on. It looks stupid but at least I'm warm.

Once we were both dressed and ready to go he left to go change and I hung back for a minute to clean my room and put the open bottle away. I grabbed my wand and locked my room before leaving. I walked through the common room and went to breakfast to get some food before going to tryouts. I grabbed a quick plate of food, mostly toast and some bacon. I chugged about two cups of water down before getting up to leave. I felt kind of nervous to try out. I walked outside and toward the Quidditch field.

When I got there there was a small group of people already waiting. There were piles of paddings and extra broomsticks for those of us who didn't have one. Angelina was in her gear with a clipboard and pen. I walked up to her.

"Hey Angelina," I said walking up awkwardly.

"Oh, hey Harmony," she said as she was checking her paper over. "Did you sign up?" she asked me looking up from her clipboard.

"No. It was kind of a last-minute decision. It's okay if it's too late to sign up," I said.

"No. The more the merrier. It just sucks that we have to even hold tryouts again because Umbitch holds a grudge against Harry and the rest of us Gryffindors," she mumbled.

"Definitely. That Toad Bitch has done enough, she's just making it harder for those of you that want to pursue Quidditch after here."

"Agreed. So what position did you want to try out for? We have both beater positions open and the seeker position."

"I'll try out for Seeker," I said.

"Okay go put on some pads and grab a broom," she said. "There are only a few people that are even trying for seeker."


I put on some of the training pads and grabbed a broom. I was putting my hair in a ponytail when Cormac McLaggen started walking up to me.

"Hey. Harmony isn't it?" he said. He was trying to flirt with me.

"Yea?" I said with an empty tone.

"I heard about you and the Weasley twin." I didn't like where this was going. "I was wondering if I could ask you to get a butterbeer sometime during the next Hogsmeade visit." He was trying to use his rich boy charm with a smile. He looked too smug.

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