Chapter 12 - Summer Fun

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I aparated just outside their home. I let Natasha jump out of my arms. The sun was already starting to make the air feel hot and sticky. Before I even could knock on the door Molly opened it.

"Oh it's so good to see you again Harmony!" she said pulling me in for a hug. I hugged her back. She motioned for me to come inside. When I came in Natasha pushed herself by us. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Thanks for having me back over," I said smiling at her.

"Anytime deary. Remember what I told you. I consider you part of the family now," she said looking me over again. "Have you been feeling alright?" she said putting her hand on my cheek. Molly noticed the bags under my eyes. My nightmares haven't gotten any easier and last night made it worse with the boggart.

"I could be better but Im still here," was all I could say. "I had to take care of something last night so you didn't have to later."

"What was it?"

"A boggart. I didn't want you going through that."

"Thats so thoughtful of you hun. Have you already eaten?"

"Yes, I had some food with Sirius and Remus before I left."

"I hope those two haven't been too much trouble."

"No, they haven't. It's Sirius you need to keep an eye on," I said laughing.

"Well most of the kids are still asleep, and Arthur has already left for work."

"Okay, I can just hang out down here until they're all conscious."

I followed her to the kitchen. She started making food for the kids. I put my stuff down.

"Let me help please," I said stepping next to her.

"Oh fine. Fred told me how stubborn you can be," she said handing me a bowl and eggs. "I'll have you start making the pancake mix."

"Oh, can I add chocolate chips if you have any?" I asked with a big smile.

"I do. They're up in the cupboard there," she said pointing to one near her.

She did scrambled eggs and cooked the meat while I mixed the pancake mix and started making pancakes for everyone. Just as we were finishing up we started making the toast as everyone started coming downstairs smelling the amazing food.

"That smells amazing," Ron said sniffing the air with his eyes barely open.

I chuckled. "Good morning Ron."

He had to blink a few times before rubbing his eyes as he looked at me. "Harmony right?"

I chuckled again. "Yes, it is."

Molly and I started setting the table and the food onto the table.

"When did you get here?" Ron asked me while taking a seat.

"About half an hour ago, give or take."

"You helped Mum cook breakfast?" he asked with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yea. She knew I wouldn't back down at offering to help her cook."

"Who made the pancakes?"

"I did. Chocolate Chip is my favorite. Luckily your mom had some so I could do them."

"Thats awesome. Mum only does that on special occasions." I chuckled at him. "Mum must like you if she let you use them and let you help her cook."

"I hope she does otherwise I don't think my stay here will be as long as expected."

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