Chapter 24 - Hufflepuff

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It was the full moon and later this month I would be going against Hufflepuff. It was a weekday but I've pulled all-nighters before so this is nothing new for me. I was waiting in our normal spot for Sirius and Remus. I watched as the sun was setting lower and lower. If they aren't here soon I might start to freak out. Remus can't risk transforming at the wrong time and the wrong place. A few moments before the moon would show they both finally showed up. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Happy to see us?" Sirius said with a laugh.

"Something like that," I said with a stressful laugh.

"What's wrong Harmony?" Remus asked me gently. I would hear a little pain in his voice.

"You drank your potion right?" I asked first.

"Yes, I did, now stop evading my question."

I sighed. "I've been having problems ever since I spent a month here in the Forbidden Forest," I said as I stared at my hands. "Sirius, what was the longest you stayed in your animagus form?"

I could see his face darken. "I stayed as a dog for months while in Azkaban. Why? What's wrong?"

"I can't remember, but can your animagus form be affected by your emotions if they're strong enough?"

"They can be. Harmony you can talk to us."

"With everything going on, being stressed and whatnot. Then with what happened with Fred. I've been having problems controlling my shifting," I said as my hands slowly transformed into my claws and back in front of them both.

They both came up to me. Sirius held my hands. "Harmony it will be alright. I had a few issues once I stayed back in my human form after being a dog for so long. It will pass."

"But what if it doesn't?"

"Relax. If you need to I'm sure someone can make you a potion to help."

"That's only temporary. With what's going to happen soon isn't going to make any of this any easier."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Remus asked me.

I sighed. I could feel the tears build up behind my eyes. I shook my head to stop them from spilling over.

"If I tell you it can change everything and then I probably can't help anymore. I just don't want it to happen." I stared at Sirius as the tears were now in my eyes slowly falling. "You can't go to the fight in the Ministry toward the end of the school year. Please promise me that. Please," I begged him.

"You know I can't promise anything when it comes to Harry. He is my godson after all," he said with a sad smile.

"He needs you. If you go, you can't be there to help him when he'll need it."

Remus looked between us before staring at Sirius. "I can keep an eye on him. I'll promise with my life if I have to," Remus said holding his hand on Sirius' shoulder.

"Remus don't. If you do that you'll be in the same scenario and none of us can handle that either right now," I said.

"Nothing will happen Harmony."

"You don't know that! Me being here changed enough events that I'm not completely sure what will happen. But if what happens doesn't change I can't afford to let something else happen that changes everything if the wrong person dies."

We were all quiet for a moment. My words were sinking in.

"Is that why you said you would take Bellatrix when the fight happens?" Remus asked putting the pieces together.

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