Chapter 31 - The Plan

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It's been a couple of months since I broke the news to Fred. As of this moment, only two people knew about me being the newest horcrux. As long as Snape keeps his trap shut if he finds out.

Voldemort has been way too quiet since Dumbledore and I destroyed three horcruxes before I left Hogwarts. He's weak. Pretty soon he'll be easier to injure and soon kill. But it was only a matter of time. He's been sending more Death Eaters out to do small jobs, but otherwise, it's been too quiet.

A few other businesses have closed in Diagon Alley. They didn't want to be targeted by Death Eaters especially those who have Muggle parents or associate with blood traitors. Some went into hiding while others permanently fled. I didn't blame them. I was being cautious of being in public even in the Muggle world.

I spent my days off tending to the garden and making a Basilisk bomb for the Death Eaters and Nagini. It was just a matter of timing it so I could get a good number of members and one of the main targets.

I was able to meet up with Remus and Tonks and showed them my safe house. They asked what I was working on in my potions area of the attic. I told them it was a secret weapon against the Death Eaters and not to get too close to it without protection.

"Harmony, what did you do?" Remus asked eyeing it from across the room.

"It's a theory at the moment. But if it works then it could wipe out a lot of problems down the road," I said showing them my plans for making it and the theory on how it should work. "It's a similar idea to mustard gas. But nothing can reverse it, not even phoenix tears since it's not an open wound. But with proper protection, you can prevent inhaling it."

Remus and Tonk read over my ideas.

"Do the boys know about this?" Remus asked.


"Did they help with how to make this?" Tonks asked next.

"No. Helping them make some of their products helped me figure this out on my own as well as knowledge from where I'm from. I wanted to be an officer at one point but things changed."

"Harmony this is very dangerous," Remus said handing me the papers back.

"I know. That's why I have to do it."

"Let someone more qualified to take care of the Death Eaters," Tonks said trying to talk me out of the plan.

"Tonks. If this works it wipes out any Death Eater in the room or area of where it goes off. This is permanently take them out so they can't potentially break out again."

"What if they have an innocent? What if someone else gets hurt?" Remus said looking at me with a serious expression.

"I will make sure that doesn't happen."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I have my ways."


"Insider information."

"Who would do a thing like that? Go against Voldemort of all people."

"You'd be surprised. If it meant keeping someone that they love safe."

"What if they betray you?"

"I have my ways, Remus. You just have to trust me on this. I've been doing everything I can to protect Harry from what was going to happen. But there will still be some things I can't protect him from, not even you or Dumbledore."

Remus sighed. "Just stay safe. At least bring someone with you when you do this."

"It would be even more dangerous bringing someone else. This is a one-person job especially if Voldemort gets a hold of me. I have a better chance at keeping him out than most people."

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