Chapter 29 - Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

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It had been a couple of days since I warned Mister Ollivander about the kidnapping. I was able to help Fred and George finish setting up the shop. They'll be ready any day. Fred had to go on a quick errand so it was mostly just George and I for a few minutes.

"Hey Harmony," George said as he gently put the Pygmy Puffs into their cage. I was setting up the WonderWitch products which were right next to them.

"Yea?" I responded. I was making sure the labels were all facing outward for people to read.

"You've been acting off ever since you came back after the fight at the Ministry. Is everything alright?"

"Yea. I'm fine."

"Harmony you don't look fine. You're more quiet and not as energetic as you usually are."

"A lot happened after you guys left."

"We weren't even gone for two days."

"A lot can happen in one hour alone, George," I said stopping to look at him. "George. I'm okay. I just need to find something to do. I've done what I can for the moment. There's not much else for me to do at the moment. I have some things planned but those can wait."

"What do you have planned?"

"I'll tell you when the time is right. At the moment it's just a theory than anything. If it's successful I may have found a way to help our odds of winning this war sooner. But what I'm planning is dangerous no matter who you are."

"And that is?..." he asked trying to get it out of me.

"You know about Basilisk's and their venom right?"

"Yea? What about it?" He was confused about where I was going with this.

"That it's lethal and very few things can reverse its effects."


"When Harry saved Ginny back in his second year, he didn't know that the journal that both he and Ginny possessed at different moments had a piece of Voldemort's soul attached to it. Which possessed Ginny to do what she did. The way Harry stopped Voldemort from coming back was by taking the same Basilisk fang that got stuck in his arm from the mouth of the Basilisk and stabbed the book."

"I know about most of that so?"

"That fang destroyed a horcrux. A part of Voldemort's soul that was attached to it. Giving him one less piece of himself to keep him alive, making him weaker. One of the few things to destroy horcruxes. But that being said the fang wasn't attached to the Basilisk's mouth anymore when he stabbed it. So it's possible that if I crush up a piece of Basilisk bone and make it like a smoke bomb or something along the sort, it would have the same effect. Instead of going directly into their bloodstream, it would enter their lungs first and then be absorbed into the body not soon after. It may be even more painfully slower than being directly bitten by a Basilisk itself."

George's eyes widened and blinked rapidly as he took everything I said in.

"That's my theory. I grabbed a few pieces of the skeleton of the one Harry killed in the Chamber of Secrets before I left. I can't kill Voldemort but if I can get Nagini alone and with a bunch of Death Eaters too I'll just drop it in and let it do its thing, if it works that is. So that's even one less horcrux to deal with later."

"How many are there?"

"Eight originally. Half of them are already destroyed. I've already changed everything by doing that. But if it means I can save more innocent people it's worth it then."

"Shit Harmony. Does Fred know about all of this?"

"No, not yet."

His eyes widened. "Why would you tell me and not your own boyfriend?"

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