Chapter 3 - First Task

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People have been giving me dirty looks for the last few days. But it ended quickly after what happened the night of my name being drawn began to spread like wildfire. We had our interview for the Daily Prophet with Rita Skeeter. I did my best to keep my interview short and I was careful about what I said to her since I knew what she could be like. But I was able to slip out of her fingers easily. She didn't write too much about me in the paper. Just that I was an American orphan and made a theory that probably because Im from a different country, the cup chose me as well as an extra champion. I don't know how I didn't think about that before, because it makes sense.

About two weeks later Harry pulled me off to the side in the common room one day.

"Hey I have something to tell you," he said quietly.


"The first task is dragons."


"Yes, dragons."

"Okay. Thank you for telling me. I assume the others know?" I asked.

"Not yet. I wanted to tell you first," he said.

"Thank you. I think the others should know too, with how dangerous the tasks are." I could see him thinking about it for a minute. "I would start with Cedric first with how everyone has been acting about you being chosen too. Which to me is beyond stupid but whatever. It may show how good of a person you really are," I said giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Though I already know you are, but everyone is acting like they have their head or a stick up their ass. They just need to see that you're not doing this all for glory and wealth."

He laughed a little. "Thanks, I really need to hear that."

"You're welcome, Harry. Just know that not everyone is against you during this tournament. You still have people on your side. Though some of them may be embarrassed to admit it to you right now."

"You really think that?"

"I do Harry. I've always paid attention to the small things sometimes. Plus helping is like second nature to me too," I said gently shoulder-bumping him to get him to cheer up a bit. "Come on now go have some fun with your friends after you give the others the heads up. Relax while you can but don't relax too much otherwise, you won't be prepared for the first task."

"Thats great advice Harmony. How do you just come up with advice just like that?"

"It just comes out naturally," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Now it's time to move so you're ready," I said gently pushing him towards the portrait door.

I turned back around and saw the Twins talking quietly to each other. They looked like they were making a plan. I quietly walked up.

"What's the plan?" I asked making them jump.

"Dont do that!" George yelled.

"You about gave us a bloody heart attack!" Fred complained.

They both dramatically put their hands to their chest like they would tip over at any moment. I rolled my eyes.

"So what's the plan? Spill," I said.

"What do you mean?" George asked suspiciously.

"We were just talking," Fred said a little too quickly.

I raised an eyebrow and grabbed a chair to pull over. "Im not stupid or blind you guys. If you aren't going to say then I'll make a plan myself," I said eyeing them both.

"Oh, so you want in on our fun?" Fred asked cheekily.

I rolled my eyes again. "I wouldn't have mentioned it if it wasn't already obvious."

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