Chapter 14 - Dementor Attack

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After the first meetings, we've had a few more meetings since then. I usually sat there and listened as most of them argued about stupid little things. When Snape and Sirius would start bickering I would shut them both down quickly and scold whoever started it first. Outside of meetings was one thing but when it came to the next Wizarding War there was no time for bickering. When I explained that that made them shut up pretty quickly.

"Hey, what's the date?" I asked no one in particular.

"August second. Why?" Molly responded.

I froze. "What time is it?"

"I would say a little after nine o'clock. Why? What's wrong?"

I stood up. "I have to go help Harry. Notify Dumbledore that the Ministry is going to try to expel him from school for protecting him and his cousin from two dementors," I told her. "He's going to need help carrying him back to the Dursley's."

"Okay. Be careful please," she said.

"Always," I said hugging her before disapparating next to her.

When I aparated near the playground I was too late now. I ran towards the underway where the accident happened. I ran into Arabella Figg.

"Ms Figg!" I yelled catching up to her.

"Yes?" she turned to look at me.

"Im here to help," I said as we walked fast toward where Harry and Dudley were.

Harry was leaning over Dudley making sure he was okay. He started putting his wand away when he saw Ms Figg.

"Ms Figg," he started saying.

"Dont put your wand away Harry. They might come back," she said.

"Harmony?" he looked at me confused.

"Hey Harry," I said giving him a small smile. "I was visiting Ms Figg briefly when we saw the dementors attack you guys," I said lying through my teeth. I didn't want to do that to him but he couldn't know.

"How do you know Ms Figg?" he asked me questionably.

"Dumbledore had me keeping an eye on you and Harmony here was just making sure everything was going okay," Ms Figg said catching on to what I was doing. I mentally relaxed because explaining to them both didn't help.

I helped Harry pick Dudley up as he lulled his head back and forth.

"It did a number on him, didn't it?" I said observing Dudley.

Harry looked at his cousin again before looking back at me. "Yea. I guess they affect Muggles differently than us."

"The worst part is they can't see them."

We walked back to the Dursley's place in mostly silence. Harry looked skinny again and it worried me. I hate that they do that kind of stuff to him. I helped drag him until we were on his doorstep where Harry had to carry the rest of Dudley's weight.

"We'll be back for you. Don't leave under any circumstances okay Harry?" I said.

"Why? What's going on?"

"Harry you performed underage magic and in front of your Muggle cousin," I said looking at him.

The blood drained from his face.

"We have your back, Harry," I said putting my hand on his back. "I'll see you soon."

I watched as he walked in with Dudley very confused by what I was talking about. I walked back over to Ms Figg's place. She opened the door for me. I walked in and it was small and cozy for a person like herself. A lot of cat stuff was everywhere.

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