Chapter 15 - New Relationship

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I could faintly hear the sound of a camera going off and the sounds of giggles. I slowly opened my eyes and saw George holding a camera with Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Hermione standing at the foot of my bed. I threw the blanket over my head and groaned. I was still tired after last night.

"Now I know where Fred went off to last night," I heard George say to the others as the rest laughed.

Fred groaned out like I did at the sound of laughing. I could feel his arm around my waist squeezing me a bit.

"Bugger off Georgie," Fred mumbled.

"Nice view Freddie," George said back chuckling.

Fred sat up so fast I was almost thrown off the bed.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Sorry Harmony," he said before turning back to George with a glare. I glared at George too.

"Wait till Mum sees these pictures," he said holding them up so we couldn't see.

"George," Fred and I both said in a warning tone.

Everyone else moved away from George

"Fred you know what Im thinking?" I said with a smirk on my face. Fred studied my face before it dawned on him. "Can everyone else leave the room for a moment please?" I asked.

I didn't even have to finish that sentence or repeat myself before everyone else ran out of the room shutting the door behind them. I kicked the blankets back before jumping in the air toward George. Mid-air I shifted into my black panther form landing on George's chest. I made a low growl as my face was really close to George's. He looked scared shitless. George held out the pictures and Fred was there to grab them. Once the pictures were in Fred's hands I shifted back and got off of George.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" he shrieked.

"None of your business," I said putting my nose up in the air.

"I was only playing," he said.

"And so was I," I said with a mischievous smile. "Except that my mother always told me not to play with my food."

That made George shake a little bit and turn pale. I held my hand out to him to help him up.

"Not a word to Mum," Fred said.

"What no nieces or nephews?" George joked.

"George," I said cautiously.

George held his hands up in surrender. "I concede," he said waving an imaginary white flag. "So does this mean you two are together now?"

Fred and I both smiled. "Yup," I said. Fred wrapped his arm around me.

George slipped out of the room. I looked at the pictures in Fred's hands. They were of us, me snuggled up against Fred. We decided to keep them but hide them away from everyone else.

After I changed I followed Fred upstairs while he changed. We headed downstairs together where everyone was getting some food to eat.

Molly walked up to me and shooed Fred away.

"Harmony dear are you alright?" she asked me quietly. "You left last night and no one had heard from you in hours?"

"Im okay now. I just needed a breather."

"Keep it up Daugherty and you'll put us all at risk," Mad-Eye said walking passed us.

"I went to the Burrow for your information. No one could have followed me unless they knew where the Burrow was," I said. He pissed me off sometimes.

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