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You stare out of the window, and since there was no music playing, you could only hear the AC inside the car. This wasn't the first time you rode in his expensive ass car, and just like the first time, you were too uncomfortable to sit on his leather seats. Worried that you might stain the seats with your dirt.

Nanami either didn't care or he chose not to comment that you were still in your working clothes. You missed your shift at the café tonight, so you texted Hector, Dash's uncle, said sorry that you wouldn't be able to work tonight. A heavy sigh escaped your lips, as you drop your phone in your bag. You can feel yourself getting weary and sleepy as you watch the streetlights blur in your sight.

Sick of his muteness, and to prevent yourself from sleeping, you turned your head to him.

"Where are we going, Mr. Nanami?"

His eyes drifted over you, a blank look plastered on his face. You realized what you called him, so you cleared your throat, refusing to roll your eyes. "Kento, I mean." He focused his attention on the road once again, and you can't help but stare at his strong jawline. His side profile is just...

"We'll go to the police station to report your missing father."

Your throat worked as you slowly feel the weight of the situation. Biting your lip, you stare at your lap. "Thank you... Kento."

He was quiet. You wondered what's going in his mind right now. What could he be thinking fo you, his employee? Someone who somehow always get their self in trouble because of their father. Before you could stop yourself, you ask him. "Aren't you busy, Kento? I feel like you should be doing something important other than..."

Giving him a side-glance, you see him giving no reaction. How does he do that? Not being able to give away whatever he's thinking of?

"I finished everything at the office. Nothing to worry about, Y/N."

His deep voice was so pleasing to hear, and you wonder if some of his business associates have the same thought whenever he talks in a meeting, or presents something to them. Burying your admiration somewhere else, you nodded silently and shifted your gaze to the window again.

With his rich cologne lingering your senses, you couldn't help but be at ease as you slowly feel yourself getting drowsy. Just for a minute. I'll just close my eyes for a bit. You tell yourself as you flutter your eyes shut.


You squeezed your eyes close before blinking slowly. Once you were able to realize you slept inside your boss's car without meaning to, you met a pair of warm brown eyes. His hand was placed on your headrest, seeing the slight concern on his face. You stare at him, with his arm next to your face, your cheek resting the headrest, and your lips parted.

He broke eye contact first, glancing outside. You snapped out of it and quickly placed your thumb on the corner of your mouth. Luckily, you didn't embarass yourself more with dried drool on your mouth. You sit properly, slightly disoriented and avoided his gaze. "Sorry, was I out for too long?"

While your clutch your bag, you notice him removing his hand behind your seat, and grabbed his phone in the holder. "Not really. No need to apologize, Y/N." Before you could reply, he got out of the car, your view of his torso imprinted on your mind as you unbuckled your seatbelt. Get it together, Y/N. Your father is literally missing right now.

Your door opened, and your eyes darted to the hand resting on top of it. His large hand and long fingers with prominent veins on it. With him standing at the side, you can't help but gulp down your dry throat. His other hand was inside his pocket, waiting patiently for you to come out. Realizing how much of an idiot you must've looked staring at his hands, you quickly get out of the car.

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