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I watched Y/N storm out of my office, and my jaw ticks at how they slammed the door closed, sound vibrating in the four walls of my office. A sigh escaped my lips, running a hand through my hair, not caring if I messed it up.

Five hours ago, I wouldn't expect to see Y/N again in my office, after they declined my offer. I rode the elevator with them earlier, and I couldn't help but eye their outfit. Y/N always looked good... but in the clothes I sent them? They looked gorgeous, and my mood lifted unexpectedly this early in the morning.

After that short encounter, I was trying to find ways to see them again, but the thought was shook off when my receptionist spoke in the intercom.

"Mr. Nanami, sir," I noticed her voice shaky. Is she still nervous with working with me? She's been here for two years already.

"Yes." I spoke.

A few seconds passed before she spoke, "U-um... Sir, someone's here to—"

"I don't have any appointments today. Tell them to come by in another time." I released the button, proceeding to read the report submitted to me. I'm in no mood to interact with anyone else early this morning. I didn't take my eyes off the screen of my laptop when I felt my phone vibrating. I ignored it, clenching my jaw. Whoever it was, it's not important. They should know better than to disturb me during work hours. My associates know I would only entertain those who made an appointment. How hard is that to understand?


"Nanami. I hope you're not busy for me?"

I raised a brow at the familiar voice. Ryomen Sukuna. I inhaled deeply, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. It was too early to deal with him. This man has always been trying to 'befriend' me, but I pay him no mind. He's a ruthless businessman who likes to play dirty, and I wasn't about to waste the 7 years of building Zoriva just for a man like him to destroy its reputation.

The impatient man he is, he spoke again, "I don't have all day, Nanami." in a sing-song voice.

Not wanting for him to harass my employee more than he already did, I decided to let the infuriating man in. Before I could speak to the intercom again, a heavy knock on door forced me to take my eyes off of a report submitted to me. One that I have to deal with later, thanks to the interruption. "Come in." I spoke to the intercom, rather annoyed.

Once the buzz sound was heard, the doors were pushed open, and the pink-haired man came in like he owns the place. My receptionist, Mina, opened the doors for him, and Sukuna didn't even blink at her struggling form. Mina bowed, throwing an apologetic smile at my way. I nodded at that, shifting my attention to the carefree man striding towards my way with his hands inside his pockets.

I don't see his guards beside him for the first time. They should be lurking outside the door, and my jaw was tight, hoping Mina is alright outside. I'll make sure to check on her later. The man in a black long-sleeved polo with the first few buttons unbuttoned stood in the middle of the room, taking a good look at my office.

He nodded, like he was talking to himself, an amused look plastered on his face. I drummed my fingers on the table in a slow pace, leaning against my seat. I don't have time for this. "What brings you here, Sukuna?" my voice indicating business.

He tilted his head, slowly making eye contact with me with a small smile playing on his lips. "No 'how are you, my friend'?"

I don't reply, sick of his petty games. People that infuriate me are those who waste my time. This man always tests my patience everytime I see him. I raised an eyebrow expectantly, so without my invitation, he sat down on the couch a few feet away from the door. He crossed his legs nonchalantly, placing an arm on the back of the couch.

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