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season six, episode fourteen

the orthopaedic surgeon rubbed off all of the or board procedures, "what is going on?" miranda bailey questioned when seeing the head of orthopaedic surgery wiping at the board, "grandinetti's roof collapsed, we'll be getting more than a dozen," s...

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the orthopaedic surgeon rubbed off all of the or board procedures, "what is going on?" miranda bailey questioned when seeing the head of orthopaedic surgery wiping at the board, "grandinetti's roof collapsed, we'll be getting more than a dozen," she said to them, "all scheduled procedures are pushed," she admitted when seeing her girlfriend near the general surgery attending, "on Valentine's Day? grandinetti's must have been packed,"

alison sighed when callie joined them, "well, tonight's out, i told you this would happen," she explained to her girlfriend, "that's why we went to dinner at four, and exchanged gifts," the couple showed bailey their necklaces.

arizona smiled when kissing her girlfriend's cheek, "wow, scrooge!" arizona then said when about bailey's complaints about the holiday, "scrooge is christmas, that's a holiday,"

"dr bailey," a man came towards them, "my hemicolectomy is pushed, it's a shame," he said when coming to them as arizona pulled her girlfriend slightly back who furrowed her eyebrows, "i was really looking forward to that,"

alison looked between the two, "well, that's—you know—" bailey stuttered as ben warren smiled, "maybe we could make up for it, dinner tomorrow?" he said to them, "no! i—" arizona played with the necklace her girlfriend had given her, "i'm busy— i have surgeries most nights, i always have surgery,"

"right, well, um— i'll see you in the or, then," ben warren said as miranda licked her lips as arizona said something to her girlfriend as they went ahead going to the elevator.

alison ran a hand through her brunette hair, "oh, my god, she likes him," she then said when she realised the situation as arizona chuckled, "you like him?"

alison looked at her work-wife, "you should totally go out with him," the general surgeon looked at the couple, "you have to say yes!" alison stated as arizona held onto her arm, "it's Valentine's Day! you have to!"

"ok, see? this, right here, what's happening, with the giggling, the girl talk, the omgs— ok, it has to stop, i am busy," the shorter women said to both of them, where alison let's out a chuckle looking to her girlfriend who chuckled.


mark sloan came towards the female, "do you know anything about putting together cribs?" the plastic surgeon asked her, "uh, you bought a crib?" she then said to the surgeon, "sloan's coming home tonight, and i got it put together, but it wobbles, it can't wobble," he told his friend, "now will you take a look at it?"

the orthopaedic surgeon smiled, "you're like a sweet, nerdy dad, now, i don't even recognise you," she commented, "oh—" the two rounded the corner, "who's the blonde?" mark then asked, "i don't know," alison admitted when seeing a blonde near the nurse's station, "i may be a dad, but i am single dad, excuse me,"

the man smiled at alison who nods her head to where the blonde was making mark smile at his friend before going towards the nurse's station, "ok, now i recognise you," alison then said to her friend.


alison came towards the interim chief of surgery in a trauma room, "a rooftop collapsed, so far a penetrating abdomen injury, a sucking chest wound and a massive head wound," she said to the interim chief, "to the left!"

april kepner came to them, "an osha investigator is waiting in the lobby and there's also two tv crews that are asking for a statement, i told them to wait for you," the resident replied as alison looked at derek, "we cleared the or board, also i paged bailey, nelson, altman, hagan and sloan,"

"stop!" he then said to april who immediately stopped talking, "who do you want me to see first?" alison looked at the chief, "skill fracture, trauma one," she said as april said, "the osha guy,"

"clear the hallway!"


"sloan," she then said when she saw mark's daughter near to the nurse's station, "does mark know you're here?" she questioned the pregnant teen, "no," the teen shook her head, "my flight got in a little early," she explained to the surgeon, "and i just took a cab over, i didn't want to bug him," she stated as alison shook her head, "somebody said that you guys have a free clinic, do you know where that is?"

"is everything okay?"

the pregnant teen nods her head, "uh yeah, i just wanted someone to check me out after the surgery and everything," her pager went off, "maybe give me an ultrasound or something," alison looked at the teen, "the clinic closed an hour ago," she explained to the pregnant teenager.

sloan looked down when the orthopaedic surgeon looked away from her beeping pager, "come on, i have a second," she said putting her hand to sloan's back as she lead the pregnant teen towards a hospital room.

"ok, lay down for me, sloan,"

the teen did as said laying down onto the hospital bed as alison got the ultrasound machine from the cupboard, "lift your shirt up for me," sloan did as said when alison put some gel onto the teen's pregnancy bump, before moving the ward on her stomach, "baby looks perfect," she said when looking at the ultrasound machine, "awesome, um, can i, like, get that in writing?"

"oh, even better," the orthopaedic surgeon said when the photo came out, "here is a souvenir," alison said when handing sloan the photo, taking off her rubber gloves, "don't you have some kind of official form or—" sloan trailed off looking up at the surgeon who furrowed her eyebrows, "—a hospital document you can give me?"

alison looked down at her, "why do you need an official form?" she questioned the teen, "it's none of your business," sloan bit at alison who gave her a look, "if you want your official form, it is, sloan," she explained as the teen wiped at her stomach before sitting up, "what's going on?"

"it's for the adoption attorney, ok?"

alison stared at sloan, "they need, like, a clean bill of health from me or something," the teen admitted to the surgeon, "there's this great couple in san francisco and they have these two big dogs,"

however alison wasn't concentrating on the dogs part of what sloan said, "an adoption attorney?" she spat out, "yea, i'm not ready to be a mom," sloan said to the surgeon who stared at her, "i'm just not ready," sloan repeated shaking her head, "have you told mark?"


the teenager said, "and you're my doctor, right? i mean, don't you guys have some sort of rule that says you can't say anything?" the teenager questioned the orthopaedic surgeon, "well, i'm not gonna tell him and neither are you," alison let out a breath at her friend's daughter comment.

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