Erwin Smith

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The blond head peeked out over the crowd as the man stepped from the train. The area was loud as he first stepped out, people calling to one another. It quieted slightly as the man made his way through it. That was when the man heard the plucking of a guitar. The sound was soon followed by a bright loud voice. The song carried out over the crowd.

Turning this way and that, the man tried to find just where it was coming from. As he moved along toward the gate, he saw it. A boy, couldn't be older than late teens, was standing near the steps, half hidden by them. He held an acoustic guitar, one string was broken. The case was at his feet. He sang loudly, without a microphone, and in perfect pitch. The man paused. This kid...

The man moved aside out of the way of the traffic trying to leave the terminal. Shifting his briefcase to his other hand, he pulled out what few coins he had in his pocket. They scattered into the open, empty case. A few others saw him do this and came to toss the boy coins. He nodded his shaggy brown head at them. Piercing blue green eyes wide as he sang on.

The blond leaned against a pillar. He wasn't in any hurry to go anywhere. His business had been completed. He was actually only in this terminal to pick up some supplies his bar tender wanted. He watched the boy. He sang two more songs. Each time new people came off the train, the blond man made a show of adding money to the guitar case. This got others to do it as they went through.

"Its almost lunch time." He told the kid. The boy's head swung to look at him.

"Yes, do you have a place to be?" He asked nodding to the briefcase.

"No, I was thinking I would buy you lunch, then we could talk." The blond offered.

"Oh, um, I'm not into um that..." The boy's face flushed.

"I mean um, I don't um sell my..." He gestured to himself.

The blond tossed his head back, barking out a genuine happy sounding laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry, no, that wasn't what I was offering." He shook his head.

The grin still on his face he came up to the boy.

"My name is Erwin Smith. I own a bar/ Nightclub in the next town over. I'm only passing through here because my bar tender ordered some special cleaning products and they got shipped to a holding office in this town." Erwin explained.

"Then why buy me lunch?" The singer asked.

"Because I want to offer you a job. Friday and Saturdays I have different bands come in to my bar." Erwin said as he watched the teen pack up.

"The rest of the week I don't have anyone. I think you would be great for it." Erwin offered with a smile.

The teen looked back at him. For a moment Erwin was sure he was going to refuse.

"Um, I live on the streets." The boy muttered.

"Well, there is a back room. It isn't big but has a camp bed, a stove fridge a bathroom with a working shower..." Erwin offered. He held his hand out.

"Come have lunch with me. What's the harm? You get a meal, we talk you don't want to do this, nothing changes for you." Erwin arched one bushy eye brow.

"Um, yeah, ok." The kid slung his guitar to his back.

It was in the case and Erwin heard the change rattling. He tried not to wince knowing the coins would ding up the guitar. He led the teen out of the subway. They walked down the street for a few blocks, neither talking. Erwin opened the door to a small sub and coffee shop. The teen walked in first.

"Eren! You're ok!" A blond girl rushed up to hug him. The boy before Erwin chuckled.

"Armin, I'm fine. What's wrong?" he asked.

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