Fighting fire...

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Eren swung the bike up the hill. He would smash through the front gates, if he had too. It would be better for the bus to do that, but could it get enough speed up the hill? He heard it chugging away behind him. He winced as the gears ground together. Looking over his shoulder, Eren had three seconds to swing the bike onto a path that ran parallel to the compound.

The bus wasn't slowing down. So, Bertolt figured out the plan. Eren grinned at this. Jean met him up ahead, as did a few others on bike. The rode along the path. The bus smashing the front gates open. The rest of the bikes would be plowing through there.

The underground. Eren had grown up hearing the awful tales of it. How they stole kids, made them work as slaves, didn't give them food or water. How they live under the ground, literally, without sunlight! This had been his mother's worst fear. She loved the sun! How often did she spend her days outside in it. He bemoaned up at the bright ball above him.

He knew exactly where his mother was right now. The bike smashed through the glass. He gunned the engine as he soared over the lower floor. The ground floor of her little studio, was actually below the height of the forest around them, something Eren learned before he was forced out of this home.

The bike landed, smashing whatever art project she had been working on. She stood, thin, frail looking. Wrapped in a long gray shawl, her face pale, mouth hanging open. Her eyes were set deep in a hallow face. Eren dropped his foot. He swung the bike up around, to come up next to her.

"Mom!" He whispered.

"He is going to kill us all." She cried seeing her son for the first time in years.

"We sent you away, so you could survive!" She cried.

"I'll get her out. Go! Find him." Marco called.

"He came back wounded. Your father..." The woman wailed.

Eren smirked. His father. He had harbored ill will toward the man, ever since he took him to throw him away. Yet, for thirteen years, Eren had been a beloved son. He had spent as much time with his mother, as he had his father. Only Zeke spent more time with the man. Eren's father love his research. Eren was never allowed into one section of the "hospital" he never understood just why. He swung the bike about.

"Armin?" He asked.

"Coming in above you." Eren could hear the sound of the airplane over their comlink.

It took him until he got outside, to realize he could hear it here as well. He glanced up. Armin was in the back of the plane. Eren saw the brown leather hat he wore strapped over his head. He saw the figure on the edge of the wing. Assuming it was Furlan in his ODM gear, Eren didn't look to closely.

When he noticed the second head, still in the seat in front of Armin, he assumed it had to be Hange. The mad genius was sure to come along. They had been obsessed with putting weapons on the plan. Eren laughed, he didn't need to know more about what it was they were going to do. The less any one group knew about another, the better.

He hoped Levi was fine sitting this out. They would be the winners here, today. Eren was going to take back his name. Prove to the people who tossed him aside, that he was worthy of a life!

He swung back around. Turing the bike away from the compound. Kenny wasn't here. Carla had all but confirmed that.

"Where are you going?" Jean screamed in Eren's ear piece.

"After Kenny." Eren stated.

"Isn't he in the house?" Jean asked.

"Hardly." Eren scoffed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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