Attack plan

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"We're safe, for now. Even if he followed us..." Eren glanced toward the door.

Hange had taken Levi in there once they got here. Armin sorted everyone out, got them rooms to rest in, water and packages of ready to eat meals. Everyone had gone to their room, to rest, sleep or just decompress. That was over three hours ago. Eren sat outside the operation room, with Erwin. Armin was curled up on an old bench seat, asleep under a ratty blanket.

"You lived on the streets, for years..." Erwin glanced around.

"This has always been our safety plan. I was fine." Eren insisted.

Hange came out then. Their plastic gown splattered with blood. They drew off the gloves, tossing them aside. They looked over Eren and Erwin.

"He had some internal damage, but I fixed it. He will be fine. But there is no way, he can fight for awhile." They said.

"So, it's up to Mikasa." Erwin sighed.

Eren chuckled. "No. Now it's my show." He insisted.

"You are what that freak wants!" Erwin growled.

He stood to move to block the way to the elevator. He folded his arm across his massively brand chest. Eren sighed.

"Commander, I'm not going to fight you. Just know, you won't be able to keep me in here." Eren got up.

He walked through the door behind Hange. Levi laid in a bed. He looked asleep. Something, Eren noted, wasn't often seen. He moved to the side of the bed. Other than. The shock of dark black hair, there was little difference between the bed, and the pale face in it. Eren took Levi's hand.

He bent over it, pressing his lips to the knuckles. "You're out of this fight, now solider." Eren told him.

He turned about, still Erwin was blocking the end of the tunnel. Eren walked doff toward his own room. He woke Armin on the way. Silently the two boys headed down the hall. Eren held up four fingers. Armin nodded. They went in separate rooms. Eren set an alarm on his phone. He curled up in the, mostly comfortable, bed.

Sleep came quickly. It had been awhile since he had been able to relax enough to sleep. Yet, even asleep, it didn't stop Kenny's torment. Eren was back at the concert, fighting in the woods. Kenny was good at fighting. Eren woke to the sound of his alarm going off. He quickly silenced it.

Getting up, he went to check on Levi first. Finding him just as he left him, Eren went to shower. Erwin was tilted back, in an uncomfortable looking chair, between the elevator and parking garage doors. Eren shook his head.

Armin held out a back pack to him. Eren slipped it over his arms. The headed down a different hall.

"Hey, where are enough sneaking off to?" Connie was running with Jean and Marco. Furlan and Isabell joined them coming out of a different hall. Reiner, Bertolt and the girls appeared last.

Armin arched an eyebrow. Eren chuckled. "Don't worry, it's not like we don't have a plan." He offered.

"Then share it with us!" Erwin growled.

Eren glanced to Armin. "It sort of won't work for all of us." Armin said.

"Then we expand it." Erwin insisted.

"They were pilots." Eren said each word with perfect pronunciation.

Erwin got it. He drew his head back. His eyes darted down the hall. Eren saw he was calculating just where they were.

"Armin?" Erwin asked.

"Of course." Eren answered.

"He knows you're weight. It isn't much different than mine. The bus could make it, if we had more gas...." He was thinking.

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