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"Tonight, being Tuesday, we will have you start singing. How many songs can you do?" Erwin asked ignoring Eren's questioning face as he glanced at Levi.

"Oh, uh, well I can sing just about anything." Eren rubbed at his chest.

"Playing, I sort of fake a lot of it." He muttered.

"I thought so." Erwin eyed him for a moment.

"Would you be opposed to lessons?" He asked.

"Like school?" Eren responded.

"No, guitar lessons. Remember when I said I invest in my club?" Erwin chuckled.

"Well, that music store we went to offers guitar lessons. How about I sign you up. It can be part of your work. I think it's like two hours a week." He offered.

"Oh, yeah sure." Eren nodded.

"Great!" Erwin grinned.

"Go grab your guitar. Fake it if you need to but sing for the crowd. You have about thirty minutes to set the stage as you want it. Have you ever done sound or sound checks?" Erwin pressed. Eren shook his head.

"Come with me then. We have this great sound guy, kind of a loud mouth idiot in everything else." Erwin babbled as Levi snorted into his cup, at hearing this.

Eren looked over at him. Their eyes met. Eren was shocked to see the older male's face turn pink. He looked away, as Eren turned to follow Erwin out of the room. The blond hadn't stopped talking.

"... his girlfriend well, she is something. But she's a good waitress I suppose." Erwin chuckled.

"Uh, who?" Eren caught up to him on the steps.

"Haha, you'll see." Erwin waved behind him.

They reached the bottom of the steps. Erwin went to open a door down the hall. Instead it burst outward hitting him in the chest and head. Eren was surprised at how quickly the tall man moved. He darted back as a younger twenty something guy came out of the door. His face was turned away from Eren, all he saw was a mop of light brown hair.

"OH!, sorry boss!" the guy snickered a little.

"Its fine." Erwin winced rubbing the red mark on his forehead.

"Jean wait a second." Erwin cried.

"Let me get this to the dumpster before it bursts! I can't have Mr. Clean on my ass again!" the guy ducked under Erwin's arm, since he was hiding the door, to scurry off down the hall.

Erwin chuckled. "Well, that introduction can be done later." Erwin's eyes went past Eren's head.

Eren turned to see Levi only a few steps behind him. He jerked forward, nearly falling down the steps. In fact he would have had Levi not snagged hold of his arm. The strong fingers of the short guy cut into Eren's flesh. He winched slightly at the pain, but then.... He gasped. Levi was literally holding him up with one hand.

Eren was nearly perpendicular to the stairs. Levi had caught his wrist before leaning back to anchor him. The shockwave of electrical impulses rushing up Eren's arm, combined with the lightheadedness of embarrassment was making him a bit woozy! He could only gasp as Levi held onto him

"P, pull, y, y, yourself up! I c, c, can't do this all d, d, day!" Levi snarled.

Eren's free hand went to the banister. He pulled himself upright, getting his feet under him. He starred as Levi released him. Levi looked down, away from Eren's searching eyes.

"I've lived on the streets for two years now. Gotten pretty damn good at knowing when someone is behind me. How the hell...?" His voice trailed off. Levi's face was beat red.

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