Family isnt always blood

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"Sorry about last night." Eren greeted as he opened the door.

Instead of Levi, Marco stood there.

"What did you do last night?" the tall bartender asked.

Eren's mouth fell open. Then he grinned.

"Nothing much." He said.

"Levi told me to come get you. Said you needed to shower and come out like an adult for breakfast." Marco huffed, then playfully rolled his eyes.

"The weekends around here are super busy, so Levi makes this huge spread for Friday breakfast. We all come for it, every week." He smiled winking at Eren.

"Sounds great! I'll be there soon." Eren closed the door.

He grabbed a towel, took his sweat pants off and went to shower. He dressed in a tee short and light grey sweat pants. Walking down the hall he punched in a number to the phone. It rang. Once, twice. He hung up. Counted to ten as he leaned against the wall then called the number once more.

It was picked up before the ringing stopped.

"Eren! Oh my God you have a phone now!" the excited voice called.

"You talk to Armin this week?" he guessed.

"Yes. He told me all about your new gig! I can't wait to come see you." The woman gushed.

"About that. There is this sort of house band. They play here every other Friday but have other gigs around..." He paused but only a small mmhmm came through the phone.

"They want a female singer, you up to coming out tonight?" He asked.

"Of course sweetie. I'll bring the girls." She purred. Eren chuckled.

"Tell them I said hi, look I have to go before I get murder by the bartender. Love ya, kid." With that he hung up as she was saying her own loves back to him.

Eren looked up to see Levi standing at the end of the hall. There was no way he didn't hear the last bit of his conversation. Eren smirked back to the phone. He pushed off of the wall as he walked toward the bartender. He smiled in greeting, but Levi glared stonily back at him.

"Sorry about falling asleep on our conversation." Eren whispered as he passed the small statue.

"Hey, Eren come sit with us." Marco called.

He was sitting at one end of several long tables pushed together. The other bartender was with him. Across from them was the waitresses that Eren didn't even know a single name of. Next was Erwin. An empty seat sat beside him. Eren assumed this was for Levi. Then Connie sat with the bouncers. One bouncer kept leaning over to talk to the tall lanky bartender Eren had yet to say a word too.

"Hey, thanks." He called to Marco.

Walking up, he realized Marco had slid over. He left a seat between him and Jean. Eren eyed the handsome brown head. Marco was bent over his cup, snickering.

"You really think this is for the best?" Eren asked.

"Eren sit here." Connie gestured to a place beside him.

Thinking this was better than dealing with Jean, Eren hurried over. He sat between Connie and one of the bouncers.

"Have you met Reiner yet?" Connie asked.

The large blond sort of resembled a boulder. He was massive, but not as tall as Erwin. He also had muscles were his muscles were. Eren tried to keep from gapping at him. It was obvious why he was a bouncer.

"Uh, no I haven't." He muttered.

Connie made quick introductions. Other than saying hi to him, Reiner didn't seem that interested to having the singer beside him. Eren turned to Connie. He was about to tell him about his friend when a steaming cup was thrust in his face. Eren jerked back as his hand rose to take it.

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