The look of danger

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The town came into view, the street lights blazing against the glass of the window. Eren felt oddly comfortable here. This had been his safe haven for a long time. Would Kenny know just where he ended up? It was far away from Wall Rose, where the Reiss' lived. He let out a sigh.

Rolling the window down a crack, he breathed in the crisp night air. No one in the car talked much. Connie had gone home, so his rust bucket wasn't following them, yet there were cars following them. The problem was, even having lived on the streets for as long as he had, Eren could only pick out one. Historia said there were at least five!

He turned the blinker on, to pull up to the Pizza place. It was just down the street from Armin's little store. The five of them got out. The single car, Eren had noticed, drove past. It circled the block. Eren held the door while the others walked inside. He glanced down a side ally. He didn't see the man he was looking for. That only meant he must he working.

Eren went in to eat with his friends. He ordered three additional pizza's. They were ready by the time the group finished eating. He took the pizza's as they headed back out. Ymir and Krista moved towards the car, Eren walked away from it. He had given the keys to Historia earlier.

"Hey!" Krista yelled.

"You guys can head back if you want." Eren didn't even turn around, to talk to them.

He heard the rushing of feet. Soon, his friend surrounded him. He smirked at them. Walking the half block to the subway station, Eren headed down into the tunnels. He walked along, the music floated around him. He smiled, it sounded so much better down here. Not that the guy didn't sound good up on the street, it just was that the acoustics were amazing here.

Eren announced his presence, by blending his voice into the saxophone's wailing cry. He sang the lyrics, as he held the pizza boxes out to Armin. The smaller blond took them. Eren sang with the dark skinned guy, wailing on the sax. When the song ended, the man laughed.

Keeping his instrument safely to the side, he pulled Eren in for a one armed hug. They greeted each other, with pats on the back. Eren pulled away, gesturing to the pizza.

"Care to take five?" he asked.

The man chuckled. "Is that minutes or slices?" he joked. Eren snickered along with him.

They all sat down, out of the flow of the pedestrian traffic. As the man ate, Eren explained about where he had been, what was going on, and the upcoming show. The man listened quietly. He lifted his head, as Eren finished.

"Yeah, there was a guy here, oh, maybe a week ago, looking for "the singing kid"." The man offered.

Eren described Kenny, his friend shook his head.

"Nah, that wasn't him." The man offered.

"It doesn't mean, it wasn't someone working for Kenny." Armin suggested.

"This guy was a bit shorter than Eren, here. Longish dark hair, brown eyes. He wore wired rimmed glasses and carried a medical looking bag." The saxophone player offered.

Eren nearly choked on the soda he was drinking. Armin gasped.

"That sounds like.." the blond whispered.

"... dad!" Eren snorted.

"Could be. Guy gave me his business card, but ya know I can't read." The man offered.

He fished out a card. Holding it out to Eren, he went on to say that the man said to call him if he saw Eren again. Eren glanced down at the card, now in his hand.

"Dr. Grisha Yeager." There was a phone number as well as a street address.

"Looks like the Yeager's may be working for Kenny after all." Armin said, after reading the card over Eren's shoulder.

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