The Scout's club personnel

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"Alright, everything is locked up. We have a security alarm. You're free to move around back here, just don't go out to the front, and don't touch any windows or doors, even back here, that lead outside." Erwin stated.

"OK, sure." Eren nodded.

Erwin squeezed his shoulder. He placed an envelope in Eren's hands.

"You're tip money. It's not your pay. You get paid on Friday." Erwin smiled as he walked toward the door.

"This isn't like a cut of everyone's tips, is it?" Eren called.

"Nope. That's just the money from the stage tips." Erwin waved. He headed to the front of the bar.

Eren went to his room. He sat on the edge of his bed. Counting out the bills, mostly ones but some fives, a couple of tens a few twenties and one fifty. Something told him the fifty was from Levi or Erwin. It came out to just over a hundred bucks. He could eat. Eren smiled to himself. He got up, hid the money under his bed, then went to shower.

He laid down in the dark after his shower. He tried to sleep. The sounds, or lack of them, bothered him slightly. He tossed and turned for hours unaware of the time. Finally he was able to slip into a doze, that eventually took him deeper into sleep. He was awoken by a hand shaking his shoulder.

"Hey, kid, wake up! Sorry forgot your name." Eren blinked.

There was a handsome guy leaning over him. He had soft brown hair that was a little long in the back. His eyes were kind with a smile that could fuel the sun. Eren jerked sitting up. He rubbed at his eyes as the guy backed up a step.

"Don't panic. You're safe. You're at the Scout's club, remember." The guy said.

"Huh? Oh yeah." Eren nodded as his brain woke up.

"Sorry, we didn't get introduced last night. I'm Marco." He held his free hand out.

"Eren." The singer shook it.

"Nice to meet you. I'm one of the bartenders with Levi and Bertolt." Marco said. Eren nodded.

"I know Levi." He muttered.

"Which reminds me." Marco swung a tray before Eren.

"Our lord and master Mr. Levi ordered me to bring this to you. He didn't know if you were a coffee or tea person so you have both." Marco set the tray down.

"Also, find a different hiding place for this." He tossed Eren's money onto the bed.

"You're tossing and turning must have made it fall." He waved walking out.

Eren lifted the lid on the tray, why did they all have lids? He saw the coffee, tea, jam toast, scrambled eggs, sausage links, pancakes, bacon, rice, hash browns.... This was enough to feed three people easily!

"Levi tends to over due stuff when he's nervous." Eren looked up.

Leaning against his doorframe was Erwin. He held a glass of orange juice in one hand. He thrust it towards Eren.

"Says you need fruit too." He smirked.

Eren took it. "Eat, get dressed, then come check out the kitchen." Erwin was already walking away.

Eren smiled. He really liked this place. He went back to his food. He sat at the desk to eat. He didn't realize how hungry he was. In just under fifteen minutes he had eaten everything on the tray. Sipping the tea, he started to walk out to the kitchen.

"...listen here I don't care what you think you know!" Levi was yelling at someone. Eren smiled.

"Hey Eren!" Jean called out.

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