Twisted turns

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Levi didn't hesitate. He dropped fast, but off center from Zeke. Eren was shocked by this. He had been lined up perfectly, to strike Zeke down. Instead, Levi swung sideways. There was a thin wire coming from a pouch on his hips. Levi used this to dodge around Zeke.

Blood splattered over Zeke's right side. Kenny howled. "You fucking worm!' He screamed.

Levi chuckled as he zoomed away into the trees. Kenny was off after him. Zeke watched his boss leaving his behind. He forgot about the younger man under him. Eren was steal reeling from, what he assumed, had been a punch to his neck. He didn't know, yet, he had been injected with something.

Using Zeke's distracted state, Eren folded his hands together. They formed a hammer head, hat he drove into his half brother's side. The air whooshing out of him. As Zeke staggered backward, another flying body collided with his head. Mikasa kicked him hard. Blood shot across the tree beside him.

"GET ON YOUR FEET!" Mikasa yelled.

Eren knew he needed to. He pushed himself up. Bile rising in his throat. He fought to keep it down. He managed to get to his hands and knees. The vomit spewed from him. His gut clenched as he was violently sick.

"Damn, they did something to him!" Mikasa swung back through the trees. Her feet striking at Zeke with each pass she took.

After the third one, Zeke widened up, slightly. He caught her fourth pass. Holding her foot, he laughed din her face. His was bloodied from her previous attacks. She punched out. Her small fist striking just off center, on his throat. Zeke staggered back, releasing her. He fell trying to regain the ability to breathe.

Arms looped around Eren's chest. He was dry heaving into the grass. Someone was trying to pull him to his feet. He allowed them, but it wasn't easy. He felt weakened. Disorientated, he tried to defend himself. The person was yelling his name, but it made little sense to his befuddled brain.

"Eren, let him go, I've got him." That voice! Eren knew he was safe as long as he was at hiss ides. But it just meant, that now, he needed to fight all the harder.

"Armin, something's wrong!" Eren groaned.

"Its ok, lets get you back to the club." No! Eren was certain, that wasn't where he should go.

He thought back to when he stood in the back room with Mikasa. It was before the others had come around. Before Mikasa declared she was still with the Ackerman family. Eren pushed off of Armin's shoulder.

"Go, get to Erwin! There is a bomb in the club." He insisted.

"What?" Armin tried to regain ahold on Eren.

The taller teen slumped against a tree.

"Hurry! He needs to disarm it! Go!" Eren yelled.

"Where is it?" Armin cried.

"Store room, behind the pallets next to my room." Eren told him.

Armin hesitated for one more second. "We will get him to safety." Eld insisted.

Armin nodded, he turned to run. The musician put Eren's arm around his shoulders. Olo laughed as he came up next to Eren. He picked up the other arm.

"Boss was right, as usual!" Olo snickered.

"Yep, just like taking candy from a baby!" Eld laughed. Together they dragged Eren through the woods.

Eren's head felt heavy. It dipped between his shoulders. He couldn't move his feet. His entire body didn't feel like it was even real to him. His head banged off of Olo's shoulder.

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