Lord of darkness and Shadow

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Three days later, Eren got up before dawn. Why was he doing this to himself? He wondered. He picked up his phone, turning the alarm to off even before it had gone off. He tiptoed to his door. Nothing! He could hear nothing from the other side.

He sighed. Over the last three days, he had come out at various times throughout the night. Sometimes for a snack, Levi's one rule was he couldn't eat or keep food in his room, or to use the bathroom, or a number of other reasons. Every time, Levi was awake. Walking to the closed door, Eren again tried to press his ear to it.

Nothing. He tried the door knob. Typically it was locked. To Eren's surprise, it pushed downward. Eren pressed the door inward. He expected to see a bedroom similar to his own. He stepped inside.

What greeted him, by what he could see from the hallway light, wasn't a bedroom at all. A large desk faced the door. Behind it blazed the darkness of the window showing outside. The comfy looking office chair was large behind the desk. Eren could imagine how small Levi would look in it. There wasn't a bed anywhere.

Just filling cabinets, a small table with neat stacks of papers, two chairs and an antique lamp. That was the room. Eren frowned, looking behind the door. There was a closet with a dresser next to it. Where did Levi sleep? He turned to look at his own room. Had Levi given Eren his bed?

Eren went back to the hall, closing the door behind him. He peered down the steps. There was a light on somewhere near the living room. Eren wondered if Levi had fallen asleep on the couch. As of yet, he hadn't seen Levi sleep! Inching forward, Eren tried to disperse his weight. Slowly he crept down the steps. The second to the bottom always squeaked a little. He swung up in his arms to slip over it. Landing on the main floor, he listened. The apartment was silent.

Casually, he started to walk around the end of the staircase. The front door opened. Eren was face to face with large mound of cloth.

"What the...?.." He began.

"Brat, take this!" the basket was thrust at Eren.

Barely able to get his long arms around the mound of clean linens, Eren took the basket. He lowered it slightly to see Levi closing the door. They peered at each other. Levi's jaw a taunt line. Eren's oceanic blue eyes confused.

"Why are you just standing there?" Levi asked.

"What am I supposed to be doing?" Eren questioned.

"Take that to the table so we can fold it!" Levi gestured toward the dinning room.

"Like it was that obvious!" Eren huffed!

He heard a tiny snicker behind him. Eren didn't turn around. He smirked. He loved it when Levi's hard exterior cracked a little. It allowed Eren the smallest of peeks underneath. Eren set the basket in a chair Levi had pulled out. For the next five or six minutes, they folded the laundry.

"Levi?" Eren began.

"Mmm?" Levi asked not looking up.

"When do you sleep?" Eren demanded.

Levi chuckled a little. "Was that what you have been trying to figure out?" He asked.

"I, um, well yeah." Eren shrugged blushing slightly.

Levi didn't look at him as he worked to meticulously fold a sheet.

"Sleep and I have a very, unfriendly, rivalry." He said.

Eren looked at him, shocked. "What dose that mean?" he almost yelled.

"Levi is an insomniac." The door clicked closed behind them. Erwin walked in with two cups of coffee. He set one down next to Eren.

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