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'Not again', that's the first thing that came to my mind as soon as I woke up. I was late again, 10 am already.

"SHITT NOT AGAIN" After checking the time I had no other choice but to run as fast as I could and get ready. I had a meeting with our new business partners and I am sure Aiden and Stella had already left for it, I was the only one left behind in the Manor.

As soon as I reached the office it was already late I just hoped the clients weren't here yet.

I was walking towards the conference room in search of my siblings hoping to see them inside.

"HOPEE !!" I suddenly heard someone shout my name to my surprise it was a brown-haired woman to be exact my elder sister Stella.

She was panting and clearly a lot mad at me for being this late,

"Why in the world are you so late?" her face clearly showed it, I was in trouble.

I had no other excuse in my mind but I could also not tell her about my nightmares coming back again, I could not have her all worked up before the meeting.

"Well traffic, it took me time to reach you know right", I could see she was not very convinced by my excuse but it seemed to work.

We both went for the meeting in the conference room to meet the devil well I mean our brother. he has always been overprotective over both of us ever since our parents died, he was the closest I had to a father and a big brother. Our parents were dead they faced an accident and passed away. It was kind of good they died it was no use of them even staying alive.

I barely had any good memories with them just shit every single time so it didn't bother me much. I had my siblings it was more than enough for me to live with.

Stella has always been this sweet girl and that funky sister meanwhile Aiden has been a typical overprotective brother with all these responsibilities, as he was the eldest among us three and me the youngest, he has always been the opposite of me.

I was a total troublemaker and he had always been the responsible one. I stopped talking or spending time with him since everything that happened was his fault all the fucked-up shit was his mistake , I still blamed him for that, he knew it too.

My relationship with Stella has always been like two close best friends she was the person who supported me every time and I was also happy to have her as my sister.

My thoughts were interrupted by a cough

"Hopee !!" I heard my sister calling my name again and again

"yeah, yeah what happened" They both sighed in relief

"Well I thought something happened to you" I raised my brow and Aiden stared at Stella.

"What do you mean something happened to me?" I was looking at her while Aiden started scrolling through his phone

"Well, you weren't responding to me even after I called your name a couple of times" This girl thinks a lot sometimes no scratch that ninety-nine percent of her life she worries about me instead of worrying about her own life, my typical sister.

Aiden sighed while his eyes were glued to his phone.

"well miss you see me all fine here standing and breathing right" Stella nodded "So stop dam panicking every time you don't have to worry this much over small things" I sighed, Aiden pinched his nose in frustration while I was trying to process how stupid can my sister be just worried about small things.

 thank god I didn't tell her anything about my nightmares coming back. I used to get them constantly until I turned 16 then it suddenly stopped well now it has been a few days since this torture started again, I will deal with it, I have to I can't tell anyone.

While I was busy thinking about my last night's drama Aiden stood up in between us "Ladies that's enough we have a meeting and you both are the CEO of the company so act like one and let's get it ready" He turned his head towards me,

" You try to be on time from next time onwards this company can't afford to have a CEO who is always late" after saying that he turns his head towards Stella "And you, stop over thinking for once and Stella your not a kid like her please act like an adult." I just rolled my eyes in annoyance, well I was the youngest, but that didn't mean he would call me a kid.

Suddenly someone knocks on the door

"Come in" I looked towards the door

"Good morning sir, good morning ma'am" My manager entered the room.

"yes, Stacy?" I questioned while Aiden and Stella were standing near me.

"well I have the record of the meeting for the day and the presentation will be displayed by them so we can decide on the stuff later on they are waiting in the meeting room we can go there "

She comes closer to me and gives me a cup of coffee "and here is your coffee I am sure you skipped your breakfast again so you will need this to work for the day" I sighed as we all knew she was correct.

I took the coffee and Aiden was clearly getting annoyed, I could see it on his face. well, the last shit I had to worry about was him getting annoyed.

"Well, Stacy thanks for letting us know they are here you can go there and make them comfortable we will be there shortly" I sighed while drinking the coffee.

We three left for the meeting shortly, I wished this meeting would end up successful not unlike the other meetings which always either made me or Aiden mad about something or the other.

We entered the room. Inside I saw three men sitting together on the other side of the table, But one of them caught my eye. Well, his eyes were brown and he wore a white shirt with black pants. Classic and I liked that look.

Three of them stood up in front of us and we three were standing on the other side of the table with Stacy.

I looked at the other two men there, both of them were tall my guess was around 6 feet one of them started speaking.

"Hello, I am Christian Alister, and these are my brothers Noah and Adrian Alister" We all shook hands.

I could figure out Christian was the older one among these three, seeing Noah's face it was clear with his attitude and that annoying look, he was the younger one. Adrian seemed nice to me.

We all settled down when Aiden started speaking "Well nice meeting you three, I am Aiden Anderson, and these two ladies are my sisters, Hope Anderson and Stella Anderson."

"Nice to meet you Hope Anderson" he looked towards me with those dark eyes.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Alister" I gave him a smile; well this will be interesting.


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That's it for this chapter guys I hope you liked it and please ignore my small mistakes its my first time writing a book (: Feel free to leave your views and make sure to follow my insta for further updates and let me know if you all have any suggestions, I would love to add them too.

PS:- please vote for my story if you like it :)



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