2| Hope x Noah

56 14 1

Even though everything seemed normal, this girl with the most attitude anyone could ever have which seemed annoying to me.

During the meeting, I looked at her and saw her already looking at me.

I raised a brow at her just to get an annoyed look in return. This girl had something in her to look at me like that.

I just rolled my eyes and continued to focus on the meeting

After the end of the meeting

I turned my head towards Aiden and waited for him to speak "Well I liked your thoughts on this from my side you all are welcome to our company what you ladies?" he looked towards his sisters.

Stella nodded in agreement and gave a small smile.

"Hope...." Aiden called out to his sister and we all turned toward her, she took a few seconds to reply

"well the presentation and everything seemed okay to me" I raised a brow at her statement, what does she mean by okay?

"But whoever designed the presentation needs to be fired even an untrained person could do better work than this, rest in I am all good with this you all are welcome in our company" She stood up along with her siblings followed by us

I turned my head toward her with an annoyed look . This girl had just insulted my designing skills , Hope Andreson now you started this "It is going to be nice working with you"

"could say that too Mr. Alister"


I opened the door of my bedroom and shut it quickly I threw my stuff on the floor and straight went to my bed. I could not get her words out of my head ever since the meeting ended

Who so ever designed the presentation needs to be fired even an untrained person could do better work than this

I can't get those words out of my mind , how the hell did she insult my designing skills; I was so annoyed at her behavior.

While I was busy with my thoughts, I heard Adrian calling my name

"noah...noahhh...NOAH" He shook me trying to get an answer from me

"uh yeah yes what happened to you why are you even shouting this much" I groaned in annoyance

"Man are you in your senses I called your name so many times outside the door we all are going out for dinner but you never seemed to even respond so I got inside to see you here lying on your bed with your clothes like this" he sighed , I was too busy thinking about todays meeting

I stood up from the bed and realized I had been like this for the past 1 hour ;

"yeah relax I am fine I was just tired go down I will come for dinner in a bit I am going to take a shower" I went towards the restroom while taking some extra pair of clothes with me

Adrian nodded "Be quick we are going out to eat today in the new branch of our restaurant" I heard him speak from outside the restroom

"oh good you didn't let Christian prepare dinner or we all will be going to sleep starving to death" He doesn't know how to cook food , me and Adrian always teased him about that.

He chuckled "he isn't that bad of a cook you know right"

"yeah yeah that's why we had to go outside to eat after he almost set the whole house on fire" I was on the verge of laughing while I remembered this incident which occurred 3-4 months ago since then we both don't let him cook .

Adrian started laughing "Okay that's enough I am going down come fast"

"yeah I will " Then I heard the door shut

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