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"Great this rat is late", I sighed in annoyance waiting for him to show up at the airport good thing we had a private jet, or thanks to him we would have missed our flight.

I was standing there tapping my foot to the ground in annoyance checking the time again and again hoping he would be there before we were way too late.

" 40 minutes still he is not here" This guy will make me lose my mind. I still don't know how I will deal with him for the next 15 days.

Only if he stays alive by then, I was annoyed to death I wanted to murder him for being this late. I had to text Christian or Adrian, someone who knew where he was. I had his number but I was too pissed to either text or call him.

I picked up my phone to text Adrian

*On Phone*

Hope: hey Adrian by any chance if you know where is Noah? I have been waiting for him, we had to leave for Canada 1 hour ago but he never showed up.

Adrian: oh, hey this is very unlikely of him he is always on time, you had his number right you could drop him a text or a call.

I groaned seeing Adrian's text, I didn't want to talk to him I would slap him so hard if I saw him right now in front of me. Maybe I was being over dramatic but I don't care I hated it when people made me wait.

Hope: yeah I did call him but it straight went to voice mail.

I lied, I was in no mood to talk to him

Adrian: Hold on let me try to reach him give me some time

Hope: Sure thanks *smile emoji*

I just hope no one figures out I lied, I decided to wait for Adrian to text back after some time my phone started to vibrate ,

Adrian: hey I got hold of him. He was at your company, he had slept there I talked to him a bit back he already left for the airport. he will be there any time.

Hope: Oh okay thanks *smile emoji*

God, he slept there?

I pushed these thoughts out of my mind. God Hope you don't have to worry about him, he is a grown man he can handle whatever he is dealing with on his own.

I was busy sitting there and waiting for him, someone tapped my shoulder causing me to flinch.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" I turned around it was Noah Alister this jerk, I sighed in relief thank god it wasn't someone else "No it's fine common let go" he was wearing those sunglasses , I raised a brow but I wasn't supposed to worry about his fucked-up  shit so I pushed those thoughts out and started to follow him towards the plane.

Soon we reached there I settled down and so did he, and from there the plane took off for Canada.

I hope he doesn't piss me off more or ill not be able to stop myself from arguing with him and the last thing I wanted was some unwanted fight between us during this trip.

I turned my head towards the window, it was already night, and the city was looking beautiful with the lights making it more amazing to watch . We had a long journey ahead so I decided to get some rest, soon enough my eyes started to close and I slept.


thanks a lot for reading this part make sure to share it with your friends and vote for my story love you all. I know guys this part was a bit short i didn't get that much time I'll make longer from the next part.

 I know guys this part was a bit short i didn't get that much time I'll make longer from the next part

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