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I slept ... just why .. I groaned in annoyance. I hate going late anywhere and because of me, we were almost 4 hours late.

I was already so annoyed, I felt sorry for making her wait for so long, surprisingly she didn't say anything to me when I reached.

I turned my head towards her and found her sleeping peacefully. She looked like an angel, that face always made me want her more.

I mentally smack myself, how can I think like this about her, she is an idiot who just knows how to make me go mad.

I decided to read a book while we were on the plane, I just thought to check if she was okay, I looked around she was sleeping and shivering

Wait is she okay? I slowly went towards her touching her soft skin, she was awfully cold. I quickly grabbed a blanket and covered her, I don't know why seeing her sleep so peacefully made me smile.

I looked at her for a bit more time it was calming, her eyes which always reminded me of the moon, her giggles, her smile. Oh god no Noah get back to your senses this girl has the worst attitude any person could ever have, I can't behave like this with her.

I shook these thoughts off my mind and decided to sleep myself we still had a few hours till we reached.

. ...

"Wake up.... Common wake up dick head it's already 7:30 am " I heard someone shout over and over again. Slowly opening my eyes I saw her, "Hope" I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the bright lights.

"We have reached, common get up I don't want to be late again and here take this jacket it's freezing cold outside, I can't handle a sick person during this whole trip" She gave me a jacket, I wore it without questioning her. She looked half surprised.

"Are you okay?" I knew what she was talking about but I decided to avoid it I was in no mood to have this conversation this early in the morning "I am totally fine" I started to grab my stuff while she was standing there more annoyed. "Take a picture it will last longer Miss Anderson" I spoke while she looked at me in disbelief "Why would I need a picture of a rat" I scoffed, I didn't have any more energy to argue with her so I decided not to reply to her. Grabbing my sunglasses and a few of my other belongings I started to walk down from the jet.

She followed me behind "Okay now I am sure you are not okay at all" she looked towards me while I was getting inside the car . " you would want to come inside or I would hesitate to leave you here" I replied coldly without looking towards her.

"how rude" She scowled at me. I didn't care I was not in the mood to fight with her at all, I still had low energy since yesterday morning. My eyes were still burning so I decided to avoid looking at her for the time. I didn't want her to question me on every small thing which I had no interest in answering.

She got in the car and we both left for our hotel where we both had to stay for the next i month.

We reached the place it was quite nice. While we were in the car she slept on my shoulder I didn't want to wake her up, well yes she was annoying but the only time when she was bearable was when she was asleep so I decided to carry her inside.

I slowly laid her on her bed and left her there to sleep. My mind was a full-on mess after this much traveling. I needed a break before breakfast started here I went towards my room and decided to take a hot shower, it was already freezing here.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter let me know what you think i should add further :)))

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