13| Hope

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                           ★彡[ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ]彡★

A minute never seems a lot but when you need to reach a place on time each second matters.

He was fifteen minutes late, the meeting had already been.

I wanted to kick his ass so badly. He kept looking at me while the meeting was going on but I avoided eye contact every time.

"Hope" he whispered my name near my ear, I just didn't respond and kept looking towards the screen.

God this is going to be hard.

Ignoring him while he was just sitting beside me again and again irritating me.

"Hope for god sake are you going to reply to me or not" Irritation was visible in his tone.

I didn't

I didn't reply even after he called me multiple times

"And that's it, ladies and gentlemen, We all are done for the day next you all will be notified when we have a meeting " The guy standing in the center spoke.

I was really hungry, we both had skipped our breakfast and lunch and now it was time for dinner.

I went towards the other side of the table while he was still sitting on the opposite side of the table.

"Hope" he called my name again but I didn't reply. I quickly opened my phone and called Kai.

"Hey are you free right now" I didn't know what was going on in my mind to call him at that moment but I knew I could not deal with Noah at that moment.

"Yeah, why?" Kai replied I don't know why I called him-

"can we meet for dinner well only if you are free and if you didn't eat your dinner till now" I looked towards Noah and a smirk formed on my face.

"Sure I can meet for dinner, but don't you guys have a meeting or something if I am not wrong" he was not wrong we had a meeting to attend which was over now so we had time to relax.

"yup we did have but now it's over and I think we will be free for a few days now our part is done here" I focused on Noah's face, he was sitting on the while his eyes were on his phone texting someone.

"Sure I can come to the same Office and both can go out but hope tell me one thing, is Noah around ?" I raised my brow

"yes why"

"He texted me asking if I was talking to you because you not picking up his call" My eyes widened and I was trying to hold my laughter, I knew what I was doing was working.

"Kai now listen just go with the flow" I muttered softly

and that was enough for him to understand what was going on in my brain.

"You both are seriously being small kids, he will kill me" he sighed

I light giggle left my mouth "Don't worry no one will do anything, come soon alright" he hummed in response and I ended the call.

I should go eat something till the time he comes I am starving.

Noah was sitting in front of me while I was trying to avoid eye contact with him.

God how long is Kai going to take to reach

"Hope" My gaze shifted back and it was Kai calling my name oh finally he was here

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