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I heard a thud behind me indicating hope had left the room.

God, she will be the death of me someday. Sighing I wore the sweatshirt she gave me, went out of the room locked it, and headed towards the hotel restaurant.

As soon as I reached there, my eyes scanned the entire area,

"Noah Here" Hope was calling me from the corner "Come sit here if you like" she spoke loudly.

I nodded and approached her and sat down next to her,

"ordered something?" I spoke breaking the silence, She nodded "What?" I asked her while her eyes were still glued to her phone.

"don't worry you will like it" I furrowed my brows "What is it".

"you mister, there is something called patience" Oh sure but I don't have it at this point "Nope never heard of it now will you tell me what in the world you ordered" I spoke looking straight into her eyes "god you're a kid" she sighed, a groan left my mouth

"I won't tell you just shut up, go watch some kid's drama till the time the food comes" My mouth dropped in surprise, and I could see a smirk form on my face.

"Oh if I remember right you were moaning my name not too long back right" I whispered in her ear, her eyes widened "You are an annoying rat" A groan left her mouth I chuckled at her reaction and she lightly pushed me away.

"Sir, ma'am here is your order" The waiter approached with a plate of food, she thanked the waiter and he left.

"you ... how" I looked at her in disbelief, she had ordered steak and pasta. I loved both the dishes but I never told her how did she find out.

"your Instagram posts were enough to tell you like it" A smile formed on her face while I was still surprised "Someone is stalking me" I teased.

"oh shut up don't get ahead of yourself, I didn't want to order something which you won't eat and then it ends up getting wasted."

I laughed lightly "Where is your food", there was just one plate. She shrugged "I usually skip dinner" she spoke while her eyes were on her phone.

"oh for fuck sake I don't need this drama here" I snatched her phone "Grab a spoon and eat with me or you're not getting this back" I stuck out my tongue in a teasing manner.

"Grandpa I am not a kid" I rolled my eyes and handed her a spoon "Eat" I replied firmly.

"Noah" I heard someone call my name while we both were peacefully eating. God what is he doing here, it was my best friend Kai.

"Hey Kai you came " I turned my head towards Hope, you came what does she mean, did she call him?

He settled in front of us while we both were eating "Now what the hell do you want" I asked him.

"ouch" I hissed in pain and turned my gaze towards Hope, she punched me on my stomach 'shut up will you' she whispered.

I gave her an annoyed expression while she started talking to Kai, "So you finally came" she spoke with a slight smile "You called him here?" I interrupted them "Yes I did, we could not enjoy ourselves in the club earlier so why don't we celebrate your birthday together" she replied.

Let them do what they want I'll just go eat my food "Drinks on me" she spoke why I was eating "Nice I need one" I spoke in between "You always do" Kai replied. I called a waiter, if I have to deal with them I will need a drink "Yes sir" the waiter spoke, Whisky, strong one rest you can ask them what they want" Kai looked at me with widened eyes "Noah you can't handle that much alcohol" Kai spoke while eating his food.

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