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I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the lights around. Where was I ? How did I get in here?

"Morning grumpy" I flinched when I suddenly heard someone speak, it was Noah.

"How did I?" "You get in here" he completed the sentence for me and I nodded  my head while he came towards me with two glasses he gave me one, and it was coffee "There take this you missed breakfast you will need to have something I ordered room service it will be here in few minutes" he spoke calmly, I was still confused how I ended up here "you still didn't answer me how did I end up here?" I asked him while drinking the coffee.

I needed that my head was messed up "Well I carried you in your room, I didn't want to wake you up" I raised my brow at him " I slept but when ?" "In the car, you slept, I didn't want to disturb you, the only time when you are bearable is when you are asleep so I got you here and let you sleep for a while" I scoffed at him, "Thanks for being so generous" i gave him a forced smile "i know right i am so generous and kind" he replied back sarcastically.

 I had to talk to him about that night in his restaurant I can't get it out of my head.

"Noah" I called his name softly while he was scrolling through his phone on the couch "Yes? Do you need anything?" I shook my head in response "No I just wanted to...well," I hesitated a bit in between "To what?" he questioned while looking at me.

"Well, the thing is" I heard a knock on the door. Who had a death wish right now, "I will go get it" I nodded. "Food is here" "Oh nice what is it" I questioned while he closed the door and got the tray of food on the bed.

"pancakes and waffles I figured out you would like it" Wait how did he know, I looked at him while he kept it in front of me and scratched the back of his neck. Who cares I was hungry right now all I needed was food. I started eating while he was sitting on the other side of the bed, I looked towards him "Did you eat?" I questioned him. He shook his head while his eyes were glued to his phone screen.

"and now what do you think you doing on your phone come here and eat a bit with me" I called him to eat, and he shook his head "Are you coming" I looked at him deadly serious.

"or what huh.. what are you going to do miss Grumpy" I just went towards him and grabbed his phone from his hands.

"hey give that back to me, this is not funny" he stood up trying to snatch his phone from my hands "Nope you come and eat then only it's back to you till then I won't give it to you" He looked at me with dark eyes. God, I hated how those eyes made me feel weak in my legs.

I started to step back while he was coming towards me, my legs hit the bed. I was standing there while he was still coming towards me "Hope one last chance give back my phone and we can get this over with"

"Nope, not at all if you're not going to eat then I don't have any other choice do I" I replied firmly.

"I am not hungry you eat and give me back my phone right now" he replied "How can't you be hungry, stop lying you can even eat a whole large size burger without thinking twice don't play with me saying I am not hungry" I said while looking towards him.

He sighed in frustration, "You won't listen to me will you" Does he think I will not at all, "Nope not at all you didn't even eat anything last night too, I don't want you to fall sick in between this trip I can't handle that" He sighed and stepped back.

"Fine if it means you stop bugging me, I will eat" I chuckled "There was that hard was it" he was just annoyed looking at me and I didn't care.

"come sit" I gestured for him to sit beside me while I added some food for him On another plate.

He sat down beside me and started eating.

"so do you have any meeting or anything else for today ?" I questioned him while he was eating. He shook his head in denial, oh good I will have peace for the day.

"not today but we will have from tomorrow, today take some rest then we can start again" I nodded and continued to eat.

I wanted to ask him about that night but something stopped me over and over again so I decided to avoid it. I will ask him when it's the right time.

"My friends are hosting a party in a club close by you want to come with me there ?" he suddenly questioned me while I was eating, "Mister Alister are you asking me out on a date" I teased.

"Don't get too high on yourself I just wanted to ask you as there will be food there and I know you like to eat" he wasn't wrong I loved food. I looked towards him once again "Okay I am in but I am just coming for the food to make it clear".

"Sure I am not interested in dealing with you anyways" He stood up from the bed "I am done I will go now see you tonight be ready by 8:30 pm" I nodded.

He started to walk away "Noah" I called his name, "hmm? need anything?" he looked back towards me.

"Mister rat be on time" I smiled at him while holding my laughter.

"Oh for fuck sake it was just one time and I will be on time" he rolled his eyes

"yeah let's see tonight Mister Rat" I started laughing I could not hold it anymore, the nickname I gave him was just too accurate, he just groaned in annoyance and left the room.

It is going to be fun now.....


Thats it for this chapter , make sure you read the next part its going to be good i promise :)

Word Count- 1083

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