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What the hell just happened, I was still shocked to my core. I was looking at Noah he passed out on my bed after saying all of that, I took his shoes off and let him sleep on my bed for the night I could not let him sleep alone who knows what happened?

I sighed and sat next to him on the bed still thinking about the moments which we both had just a few minutes back

Every part of you is fucking mine

Those words kept echoing in my mind every single time I looked at Noah all I could remember was his eyes on me earlier and how much he wanted to ruin me right then and there.

I broke out of my trance when I heard Noah groan in sleep, 'he was just drunk and I need to sleep' I spoke to myself.

I didn't have any more energy to change my clothes so I decided to sleep in these clothes only, putting a few pillows in between me and Noah, I grabbed the blanket and dropped my head on the pillow.

I turned towards Noah only to find him sleeping peacefully like a child, how the hell can someone change personalities so quickly?

A few minutes back he was so intolerable but now he looks like a small kid sleeping, I sighed and turned my head to the other side

soon my eyes started to feel heavy and everything faded away.

Sun rays were hitting my face, and I groaned in annoyance, slowly opening my eyes and adjusting to the lights I found the other side of the bed empty.

Where did he go early in the morning, I squeezed my eyes still annoyed by the sun rays hitting my eyes.

"Hey" I flinched at the sudden noise turning my head I saw Noah leaning against the wall with a coffee cup, "when did you wake up" I questioned him still half asleep "3 some hours back" he replied "How" I raised a brow.

I checked the time it was just 7 am "You woke up that early" I questioned him "After drinking that much I could not sleep properly so I just gave up on trying to sleep and just got out of bed" I sighed at his reply stretching my legs and getting out of my slumber.

He sat next to me, while my gaze followed his moment "Your coffee" he gave me the other cup he was holding, I raised my brow "How did you know" I never told him about my coffee habit every morning and yet he somehow has it for me "I see all the details" he spoke breaking the silence "the first time I met you I saw a coffee cup in your hand, no one will have coffee early in the morning unless its their habit, so figured it out" he shrugged

"You are not that dumb in the end " he rolled his eyes and I giggled while sipping on the coffee.

"Okay grumpy get ready we will be late then"

"Don't call me that" I spoke in annoyance "You want me to change it then" I nodded while looking towards him.

He looked into my eyes for a few minutes before speaking "Moon" I furrowed my brows "What" I questioned him.

"Moon" he repeated himself looking towards me, "I heard you once Noah, that's not my name though" I spoke "I am aware, that's your nickname" I raised a brow.

"Why that though" I asked him

"Because my wish" yeah ofcourse he had to show his true colors again,

"Okay now enough go get ready we have a meeting in 2 hours no one wants the CEO of the companies to arrive late" I nodded and he left my room.

I sat on the bed still way too lazy and tired to get out of my bed.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard my phone ring beside me seeing the caller ID made me smile, it was my sister, Stella.

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