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"what the hell" I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the bright light coming from outside the window. Wait where the hell was I? I slowly looked around the room .. oh wait my room? wait how am I here? I sat on the bed trying to remember what happened overnight.

The last I remembered was in Noha's car coming back from the movie and wait I remember falling asleep but who got me here? I grabbed my phone to call Rebecca maybe she knew.

Scrolling through the notifications one of the messages  caught my attention

Noah, it was him, I don't know why I smile formed on my face as I opened the message

'You fell asleep in the car you looked less annoying sleeping so I didn't bother waking you up, I got you to your room and let you sleep peacefully. As you didn't have dinner last night I ordered you some food it will arrive by 9 am let's hope you wake up by then.

p.s. you were smiling while you were asleep, it suits you to keep smiling every time Moon'


and I smiled, I smiled like an idiot I don't know what was it but his calling me Moon just made me smile, it made me feel happy. I glanced at the time .. oh good it was 8 am I had enough time to get fresh till then the food would be here, closing my phone I kept it beside me.

I headed towards my closet to grab a pair of fresh clothes before going to shower. Opening the closed door I grabbed a pair of fresh clothes and headed to take a shower.


Slipping off my clothes, I turned on the shower, the hot water pouring down my body, enveloping me in its warmth and instantly washing away the day's tension. Each droplet seemed to massage away the stress knots, soothing both body and mind. Soon yesterday's memories started coming back and my conversation with Rebecca it again started to repeat, do I love him? What is this? A business deal? or something more than that?

What is it for us?

just partnership?


mutual benefits?


I loved the way he made me feel safe and the random reasons he gave me to smile but that can't be it, I didn't even know what love was at this point nor did I know how it felt to be loved by someone.

God, I hated being this clueless about something for the first time in my life, I missed Mom at this point. The way she used to treat me as a kid the way mom and dad both panicked even if I got the tiniest scratch and how she helped me in everything, whenever I used to be confused with anything in life that one person, my superwoman, my mother.

But then it's surprising how things change so easily how everything changed so easily how, she just forgot I meant anything to her, how both mom and dad started behaving after starting their business how they started treating all of us like we were some pawns in their stupid deals.

To date, I could not forget the time when Dad was the one who got me to date some random ass for the sake of a business deal at the age of 13 and how Aiden beat him to death when he tried to touch me.

A tear left my eye remembering the moment all over again felt like re living it all over again, but I let myself free this time I started crying while the shower was on, water pouring down my face as well as my tears.

Remembering everything every moment I spent with Mom and Dad, and it's so funny how money changes everything how Mom and Dad forgot they had kids after opening a company and forgetting the existence of their children.

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