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A light groan left my mouth when the sun rays entered the room, opening my eyes and slowly adjusting to the light in my surroundings. Wait how did I end up here? I looked around and I was in my room. One minute I was with Rebecca drinking and partying in a bar next minute I was here in my room.

Pushing the blankets off my body I headed towards my closet to get a pair of fresh clothes. I suddenly heard a loud thud from the restroom slowly shifting my gaze towards the restroom.



Wet hair



Brown eyes




Naked torso






Noah Alister 


"you jerk I should have known" I shouted at him "You know you should thank me if it wasn't for me you would have possibly passed out drunk in the bar and then who knows what would have happened" My brows furrowed at this statement.

"you got me here?" he nodded in agreement "Why?" I knew he would not do anything with the kindness of his heart. I glared at him "I know you not that kid of a guy what did you try to do last night" he looked towards me with a blank expression "I didn't do anything but you sure as hell were looking stupid all wasted"


"What did you do huh? Record me? try to do something wrong ?" I spoke in an angry tone. He wore his shirt and looked towards me "If I had done something trust me you would not be able to stand at this point" My eyes widened at this reply.

He took a slow step towards me "And anyways I know" another step "You like it when I touch you" Another step.

"You know all the boys like you are always like this, full of ego and thinking girls will love it when you touch them" I replied firmly while looking towards him.

He raised a brow "So you think you any different ?" god those eyes "Hm moon tell me do you think you any different from other girls" he was so close to me we were inches apart from kissing again, he whispered near my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

Dam him  I could not speak even a single word.

He stepped closer to me, my back hitting the wall while his hands across my waist.

God those eyes will surely kill me someday.

Dammit, what is happening to me no boy I mean no boy on this planet could ever make me lose my mind while just looking like that towards me.

"Moon I need words ... you think you are any different from all the girls hm" he whispered but  loud enough for me to hear it.

god that nickname

A stutter left my mouth "Yes," my words were barely even believable to me. He slowly wrapped one of his arms around my waist and the other arm pinning my hands above my head.

"yes?" he questioned

I was barely able to think properly

In a snap of a second, he turned my body around, the cold wall pressing against my warm skin. My uneven rhythm of breathing matches his, our hearts beat frantically simultaneously. I could feel the goosebumps on my skin.

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