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We both entered this restaurant "Fancy I like it" she was really excited, she was not wrong this place looked really nice well we both were new here as it had just opened a few days ago no one knew us here and it was good, I will have peace here.

"Common let's go get something to eat" I nodded, and we both went towards an empty table.

Within a few minutes a waiter approached us, and we got our desired dish.

While we both were eating, I heard some noise coming from the front, I looked towards Rebecca, and she was looking towards me. she raised her brow in confusion and we both looked at where the noise was coming from, Rebacca called a waiter.

"Hey, I was just curious umm why is it so noisy " Rebecca questioned the waiter, " well ma'am the owners of the restaurant suddenly decided to visits so the staff is with them which is causing a bit of noise sorry for the in-convince caused by it" Rebecca shook her head "no it's alright it's fine if you could tell us who are these owners of the restaurant" I questioned the waiter while taking a bite of my food.

"Ma'am that would be Mister Noah and his brothers " I choked on my food. fuck this guy here too. "Anything else you would want ma'am?" I shook my head in denial, and he left.

"Hey Bex, I am done with the food I'll go clear the bill" Rebacca nodded in agreement, and I left towards the counter. While I was clearing the bill, a waiter dropped a tray of glasses full of water that fell l on my clothes.

Double fuck

Dear god why is it me always, why this had to happen right now "Ma'am I am so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen" The waiter quickly got a few napkins "No its totally fine I understand you don't have to worry about anything" I gave a small smile to him and left back to the table where Rebacca was waiting for me.

I was going back to my place where Rebecca was waiting for me but someone pushed me so hard I hardly balanced falling on the floor
As I looked towards the person who just pushed me , who was this jerk or if this person just didn't love their life enough to mess with me, NOAH ALISTER FUCKING JERK, this jerk is in great trouble,

I forced a smile towards him, thinking that he would at least say sorry. But the words that came from his mouth were the complete opposite. "Look where you are going." My eyes widened.

This jerk wants to die so bad,

He not only failed to pay attention to his surroundings while walking, but he also had the audacity to blame me for hitting me so hard, as if it were my fault. At this point, my anger reached its peak, and I sighed in annoyance loud enough for him to hear it, he looked at me, and In response, he just rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

This guy and his fucking attitude.

"Noah fucking Alister wait" I shouted loud enough, and he stopped on his way . "Noah Alister I am calling you" I called him many times to make sure he heard it.

He soon enough turns his back towards me, and his eyes were dark as he gave me a death glare.
I looked towards him while his eyes made me feel nervous I don't know why but it just did.

"can't get enough of me, can you?" He slowly came towards me.

I raised a brow. What does he mean by that "no one ever told what you really are right." I replied back annoyed.

I rolled my eyes this time and started to walk away from him, but as soon as I did, I felt someone pull my arm back, and the next second, he dragged me towards an empty area.

This fucking jerk

"Can you just stop it" I tried to get out of his hold but failed.

He pushed me against the wall and came close to me , it was so close I could feel hia heartbeat against my chest.

"Think twice before you talk to me I don't like any disrespect from anyone"

I tried to argue back with him but failed I could not say anything, but I smelled something weird wait was its alcohol, was he drunk right now? This late? but why?

Even before I could say anything to him his phone started to vibrate and he soon enough left there leaving me there standing , still trying to process what just happened.

What was wrong with him?
Is he ok why did he drink?

While was busy in my thoughts I felt someone tap my shoulder, which caused me to flinch "Relax it is me" Oh thank God it was Rebacca.

"Bex you nearly gave me a heart attack" She just rolled her eyes and gestured for me to follow her "Hope you know how much your brother Is worried about you plus you weren't even answering his or my calls".

Fuck my phone, I quickly check it, it was switched off.

Double fuck

"oh I am so sorry it died I didn't realize" she sighed "At least you're okay common Let go now."

We left back to our house but still, all I could think about was his eyes and the way his eyes were screaming for help.

Is he okay?


Thanks a lot for reading this part!

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Word count- 1333

That's it for this chapter guys I hope you liked it and please ignore my small mistakes its my first time writing a book (: Feel free to leave your views and make sure to follow my insta for further updates and let me know if you all have any suggestions, I would love to add them too.

@isabellaa.hazel  my Instagram account :))



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