16| Noah x Hope

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Fuck it fuck it fuck it...

What the hell is wrong with me first I nearly fucked Hope in the middle of a hallway and then now I was about to kiss her.

How much ever I try to stay away from her it never works. The small things she does make me lose that last bit of control and patience I have.

God this is wrong so wrong .. us kissing like that, Me figure fucking her in the middle of the hallway then me nearly kissing her again today. This is wrong-

A groan left my mouth I headed towards the closet to change my clothes as I had slept in hopes room last night I took a shower but I needed a fresh pair of clothes.

Slipping on my shirt and quickly changing my pants I headed towards the restaurant for breakfast.

I don't know what the hell was going on in my head, but I am sure whatever it is hope is just fucking up with it more and more.

This girl she has no idea what the hell is she doing with me, even if we aren't together but she, her presence makes me lose my control all the time. God if it wasn't for the sake of our business I would have fucked her long ago.

No, I can't do this with her, I could have any girl I wanted. I always hated that I didn't get something I wanted but her.

She is too pure too innocent for me, she might look all tough and I don't give a fuck for anyone but I know her heart is pure and I didn't want to break it, I didn't want to break her heart.

"ouch," I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as someone smacked my head from being . "good morning to you too" Rebecca god this girl.

"you overreacted I didn't hit that hard common now we will get late for breakfast" I shifted my gaze and headed towards our table where Hope was already sitting there.

God she was looking hot, she wasn't wearing something too much just the simple things making her look hot.

Those eyes god something about it always makes me lose my calm, my patience.

That smile when she laughs

The way she talks every time

Everything just makes me lose it every time

"what the hell" My eyes shifted to a woman sitting next to me,


she dares to hit me like that

"What I didn't hit that hard plus you were staring at me like you have never seen me ever in your whole life" My eyes widened at her statement, was I staring that much

'fucking shit' I whispered, "said something ?" she looked towards me holding a glass of water in her other hand.

Shaking my head in denial I started eating my breakfast while she continued to eat her food


"get back here" I heard a scream behind me, Rebecca. "what is your problem" My eyes shifted back towards her while irritation was visible on my face. This girl loves irritating me so much.

"what is your problem being late every time" Rebecca spoke in an irritated tone "It's not like I am so free to come on time to see your annoying face" I replied, god this girl and her best friend both are a hell lot to handle.

"what is going on here?" I heard someone speak while I was trying to deal with Rebecca but failed every time miserably. I slowly looked behind Rebecca,



And the body of a goddess


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