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It was early in the morning I had just reached her office. My thoughts were still going on about last night. I could not sleep the whole night.

How much her words affected me, her eyes I could not get it out of my head the whole night. The concern for me in her eyes was all clear.

I shook these thoughts about last night from my mind.

No Noah you are at work right now you can't think about this right here.

Pushing these thoughts aside I went inside, after looking for a while I saw Adrian with Stella standing near a table discussing some paperwork. he gestured for me to come towards him "Yes?" I looked toward him confusion clearly visible across my face "You need to go and talk to Christian; he is waiting for you in the conference room" He gestured for me to go talk to him so I did.

Entering the room I found Christian along with Aiden and Hope. Oh god, why is she here, "Noah come sit" Aiden gestured me to sit next to him so I did. I looked towards Christian in confusion, I could see Hope was as confused as me. Maybe she was also called here but why? I decided to settle down and wait for him to explain what was the matter.

"So you both will be representing our companies in a global conference meeting" Christian looked towards me and Hope.

"Alone? With her ??" He nodded in agreement. No no not at all I can't stand this girl and how does he expect me to go with her to a conference and that too alone? nope, not at all. "It's international for 1 month" My eyes widened when I heard Aiden say that. God, he too knew about this, Both Christian and Aiden knew we both don't like to stay near each other.

"Nope sorry, I can't do this with him at all I can't go with anyone but him" I looked at her annoyed "As if I wanted to go with you" How can she say that? All she knows is how to get on my nerves, ugh I hate this girl.

"Oh please you two aren't kindergarten kids deal with it you two are adults, and we didn't want to send you both too, We all know you both don't get along well but no one else has a free schedule during this time, you both are the CEOs of the company so behave like one and you two are going end of discussion" oh he did not just, god why do I have to deal with this girl every time.

"Can't Stella go" She looked towards Aiden.

"Hope she is already going to another conference meeting which is also abroad in 2 days " I looked at Aiden in disbelief

Fuck now there is no other choice "Fine if no one else will go then what other alternative do we even have" I heard her sigh "Yeah right then I am also fine with it" This is going to be torturous "Sweet you two leave tonight start packing your flight is for Canada don't be late"

My eyes widened today. what I thought we would leave in a few days I would at least get time to prepare myself for this. I pinched my forehead in annoyance "Fine I'll be ready but make sure" she turned towards me "You mister rat come on time I hate people who are late" What did she just call me rat, Hope now you started this.

"Don't bother about me coming late I am always on time everywhere" I gave her a forced smile and excused myself from there.

Ugh, there are so many nerves in a human body how does she get in all my nerves like that,

I pushed these thoughts out of my mind and decided to work till it was time for the flight.

I decided I should stay here and do some work to avoid getting late tonight.

I had not slept properly last night so the last thing I wanted was me over sleeping at my own office when we had to leave tonight.

I found an empty cabin so I settled there in a few minutes my eyes started feeling heavy, I was so tired I didn't even realize how time passed and everything started to fade.



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