I Love You 3000 // SJ

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People say that it's hard to be with someone famous. You'll have to deal with anything they have. You'll have to deal with their sometimes too protective fans that are prone to send you threats. You'll also have to deal with their hectic schedules that causes the two of you two meet maybe once or twice in two months. Lastly, you'll have to deal with the media, following you around to get a new scoop. Maybe you're cheating and they can earn money from that, but that's just bullshit.

It's tiring they say, but to you, it was nothing. Everything is just nothing when it comes to the man you truly love, Kim Seokjin. People see it as a hardship, but everything with him is worth it. Every blood, sweat, and tears for him is worth it. You couldn't ask for more. The man you love is just in front of you, eating with all his might. You can't help but smile at him.

"Jagi? Is there something on my face?" He asked and you shook your head. "Let me guess," He said while putting his chopsticks down. "It's my handsome face you're staring at." He said with all confidence while emphasizing his face with his hands. You rolled your eyes and told him, "Whatever, Seokjin. Just eat."

The two of you continued eating dinner in you two's favorite restaurant with eyes following the both of you. It was normal for you. You're with none other than Jin of BTS, it's no biggie. Luckily, you both have enough money to pay for the VIP room. "So, what can you say about the movie?" You asked him and he stared at you with sad eyes. You laughed at him. "Still can't get over the fact that Iron Man died?" You teased.

You just finished watching 'Avengers: Endgame' with Seokjin. They rereleased it with post credits now, and the both you just stood up and automatically went to the cinema. The both of you were heartbroken when Iron Man died. You loved Tony Stark so much; you loved him with Pepper too. You loved how Tony can handle fame together with Pepper. You can't help but compare him with Seokjin.

Every flashing lights hurts your eyes, but Seokjin is always there to protect you, just like how Tony made a suit for Pepper to protect her. Mostly, just like how Tony believes in himself, Seokjin believes in himself that much too. Seokjin is your Iron Man.

"How can you joke like that?! It's heartbreaking!" He nagged but you just laughed. "I thought Spiderman is your favorite?" You asked. "He is!" He exclaimed. "But now that Tony is gone, who will take care of him?!" He said with an almost crying voice. "Aunt May is there. Nick Fury. Happy too." You said and took a bite of the cake he ordered. He just sighed. "There there, Seokjin-ssi. Don't be sad. Here open your mouth." You mockingly gave him a piece of the cake, but he ate it too any ways. You laughed at how childish he looks. "You are so cute, you know that?" You said out of the blue. "Of course I know that." He answered. You just smiled.

"How about this," He said looking at you. "Do you know how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you?" He asked. His words made the butterflies in your stomach go wild. Sure, you always talk about you two's future, but this was different. "Y/N-ah," He called your name. Your eyes stuck on looking on his. "We're together for five years now, and I want to be with you more than that. Even how many centuries pass, I will always want to and choose to be with you. Only you." He went on one knee and reached for his pocket.

There was it. A small, rose red velvet box. He opened it in front of you and it revealed a silver diamond ring. Your eyes widened. Your hands automatically went to cover the half of your face. Your eyes started to feel watery. "Will you ma—" Without making him finish his question, you quickly answered. "Yes!" You shouted while offering him your hand. He quickly wore the ring to you and it fits so well. You were crying and Seokjin was on the verge of crying.

The two of you stood up and you hugged him tightly. "You answered so quickly. Is that how addicted you are to me?" He said teasing you. You weakly hit him and he laughed. You knew that this was going to happen. The boys were dropping hints, but you didn't care. You wanted it to be a surprise for you, and Seokjin succeeded.

"Seokjin." You called his name. "Yes, my future wife?" He said looking into you, and it made the butterflies in your stomach go wild again. You looked deeply into his eyes and kissed him passionately. You broke the kiss and cupped Seokjin's face saying, "I love you 3000."

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