Sticky Notes // HS

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Today is a day where people go on dates, give flowers, and do many more romantic stuffs, but for you, it's just a normal day. "Good morning, students." You hear the president of your student government talking through the speaker.

"Today is a special day." She said making your eyes roll. "Love is in the air." She quoted. "So that's why it's suffocating." You said to yourself.

"Go out there and tell someone you love them, and today is the day for you to confess to your crushes. Have a lovely day ahead! Happy Valentine's day, everyone." She said making you hate this day more.

It's not like you hate romance or love. You're not also a man hater. The truth is you are a very hopeless romantic person. Reading them in books, watching movies about it, that's your life. It's just that you're sick of it. Every year they celebrate this day, but for you, it's always just another day.

Sometimes you ask yourself, is there any chance that you'll grow old alone? because you think there is a one hundred percent chance that you will.

Sometimes it makes you insecure. Is there something wrong with you? Are you that ugly? Questions like those always comes to your mind, and it makes you sad.

As you walk your way to your locker, you saw the students looking at you, giggling and smiling at you. You saw your best friend running to you. "Hey, hey, hey!" She said trying to catch her breath. "Woah. Why were you running? Is something wrong?" You asked worriedly. "Nothing. Just come with me." She said and dragged you.

You were shocked by how fast she is running, and because you're running that fast too. "Look at this!" She said excitedly, she pointed to your locker. Your eyes widen the moment you saw the sticky notes attached to your locker. You read them one by one, and you can't help but smile.

'Hey! How are you?'
'I really love your eyes.'
'Your smile makes my heart stop.'
'How on earth can you be so beautiful?'
'I can't even. You're pretty, you're smart, and you're also talented?! How can I not like you?'

You were lost for words. This was the first time you received such kind words. "You can't keep that smile to your self can't you?" You heard your best friend say and you just smiled at her. "I don't know. Even though I don't know who it is, it made me so happy." You said still looking at the sticky notes. "You know that this is the first time, right?" You asked her and she nodded.

"Why don't you try opening your locker?" She said. You were a little suspicious why, but you willingly opened it.

A red rose was the first thing you saw. The smile that was on your face, became bigger. You saw the piece of paper attached to it and you read it.

'Turn around.'

You were confused. You turned around and you were shocked by who's in front of you. It was no other that Jung Hoseok.

Hoseok was your childhood best friend, he knows all your secrets. He was with you since you two were on kindergarten, and it's a total surprise for you to see him right in front of you holding a bouquet of your favorite flower.

"Hey," He shyly said. "Now that you know how I really feel, will y—" He was about to ask you a question, but you didn't care. You run your way to him and hugged him tight.

He may think that he knows all your secrets, but there's a secret that you never told him; you're in love him ever since. The stories you read, the movies you watch, you secretly wish that it's you and him.

"How dare you make me cry on Valentine's day?!" You said still hugging him. You can hear the people around you cheering for the both of you. "Cry!? Are you crying!?" Hoseok said breaking the hug to check on you. "Don't cry. This isn't part of the plan." He said trying to cheer you up and you just laughed it off while hitting him.

"So hey," He asked once you calmed down. "You know now how I really feel." He said and it made your heart beat faster. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said and you can see the people around you looking at the two of you with heart in their eyes. "I would love to."

Hoseok jumped up and down and it made you laugh. "Guys! It was a success!" He shouted and hugged you. "Thank you so so much." He said and hugged you. "Pabo! Do you have any idea how long I've waited for this?" You asked.

"I'm in love with you ever since, how did you not know that? I thought you know all my secrets?" He was there astonished by what you said. Your eyes widen the moment you realized what you said. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!" You said and you hit yourself.

"Yah! Don't hit yourself!" He said to stop you from what you're doing. "And don't worry," He said and held your hand. "I'm in love with you too."

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