Party // JM

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Today is a big day for you. There will be a big company party at your boyfriend's agency, and you are invited. You dressed fancy as possible, but also tried to look sexy. You know that Jimin likes that style, and you'll do everything to meet his expectations.

The moment you stepped in the room, you can see a lot of people. It made you nervous, since it's your first time attending a party like this. Your grip on Jimin's arm tightened. "Chubs," He called you with a sweet voice. "Are you nervous?" He asked showing his concern.

"I'm sorry. It's my first time attending such big party." You explained and he chuckled. He faced you and held your hands. "You'll be fine. I assure you." He said to you and caressed your cheeks. He gave you his sweet smile, and you can't help but smile back.

As the two of you walked together, the boys went to the two of you. Namjoon was the first one to greet you, and you can't help but smile because of his goofy attitude. The rest welcomed you and took you to your seat.

You were doing fine so far. Bang PD-nim unexpectedly walked to your direction and welcomed you to the party. He was telling you how well Jimin is doing, and he also told you goofy stories about him. You can't help but laugh at his stories. You didn't know that Jimin could do those kind of things.

"It was really nice meeting you. You're a fun girl. No wonder Jimin fell for you." He said and it made you blush. "I have to go now, they're calling me in front. Have fun." PD-nim said and walked his way to the center stage.

"How's my girl doing?" You felt arms snaking around your waist and it made you almost jump. "You startled me!" You said and Jimin just chuckled. "Anyways, it's not that bad after all. PD-nim told me a lot of things, Jiminnie. I cannot believe you." You said and laughed. Jimin faced you with a confused face. "Told you things like what!?" He asked a little irritated, but you just laughed it off.

"Shush, Jimin. Your PD-nim is about to ask for a toast." You said and he just stood there beside you. PD-nim said his speech and asked for a toast, and you can feel the festive aura around you. Their company is celebrating its anniversary, and you can't help but be happy for them too.

As soon as you went back to your seat, Jimin told you that he'll just go to the comfort room. It was only you and Namjoon left in the table.

Namjoon talked to you about many things. Turns out that the both of you shares the same interests. He told you funny stories and it didn't fail to make you laugh. "And when Jimin was drunk, guess what he said." He said and you were laughing to death because of his previous stories.

You hit his arm, and you said sorry. You explained that it was a habit of yours when you laugh, and he just shrugged it off saying that he understands. "But what did he say?" You ask almost out of breath.

He gestured for you to come closer to him as he was about to whisper it to you. You went closer to him and you laughed so loud that moment you heard  it.

You almost cried while laughing, but you felt someone sat beside you. "You guys having too much fun?" Jimin said with coldness in his voice. "Oh yeah," You said still laughing. "Namjoon oppa was telling funny stories. I can't even. I almost cried!" You explained pointing your eyes.

You saw Jimin's face turned serious, but you didn't mind it. You know what's happening. "Chubs, I think it's time for us to go home." He said in a serious tone. "Really? But I'm having too much fun with Namjoon oppa!" You said emphasizing the 'oppa'.

"We need to go home now." Jimin commanded. You pouted, but his decision was final. "Goodbye, oppa. It was nice seating with you!" You said your goodbye to Namjoon and to the rest of the boys.

The moment you went inside the car, you laughed so hard. "Yah! Why are you still laughing!?!?" Jimin asked. You can tell how irritated he is. "Was his stories so funny that you're still lau—" Jimin was about to finish his sentence when you suddenly kissed him.

"Oh shut up, Jimin." You said. Leaving Jimin stunned. "You're too jealous. It was funny to watch." You said and chuckled. "Yah!" That was the only word that escaped Jimin's mouth.

"You said you were nervous and all, but then I find you talking to Namjoon like that!?" He said, but instead of being angry, you found it cute. "You were flirting with him! Hitting his arm and laughing at his jokes!? And you even called him oppa!? So that's how you get nervous!?" He nagged. You're supposed to be hurt by his words, but you felt nothing but loved.

"First of all, Chim," You started, calling him by his nickname. "I wasn't flirting." You said rolling your eyes. "You know that I hit almost everyone's arm when I laugh. It's my habit. Second, it'll be rude for me not to laugh at his jokes, and the stories were really funny!" You explained. "Why would I ever flirt with other guys when I'm happily in love with only one man?" You said making Jimin flustered.

Jimin held your hand. You smiled at him. "I'm sorry, chubs. You know how jealous I get." He explained. "I know, Chim. But there's really no need to be. You trust me, right?" Jimin nodded. "And I trust you too. I love you so much, Chim. No one can ever replace you." You said caressing his cheeks and gave him a peck. A big smile was painted on his face. "I love you too, chubs. You're my everything."

"What stories did Namjoon hyung tell you, anyways?" He asked. "Oh you know, some drunken stories of yours." You answered and laughed out loud. "Chubs!!!"

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