Laptop // JK

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It was past midnight when you suddenly woke up from your beautiful sleep. You heard noises not far from you. You were confused, your boyfriend is not beside you that made you anxious. You were searching for him and you found him there on the ground, playing games in his laptop.

It made you furious. He done nothing but to play games. He'll always eat with you and will quickly go to your room to play his games, same goes everyday.

It may sound crazy, but you were jealous of that laptop. That black little computer that gets Jungkook's attention away from you, you were jealous of it.

You decided to just walk out of the room and shut the door, hinting to Jungkook that you were angry. Unfortunately, Jungkook was wearing his headphones not knowing that you already woke up.

You went to the other room and decided to sleep there. As you lie in your bed, the door opened, revealing your boyfriend's face.

"Jagi..." He called you. "Mianhae." Jungkook said with a sad tone.

You ignored him and pretended that you're going back to sleep. As soon as you closed both of your eyes, you felt arms snaking around your waist. He placed his chin over your shoulders making you bite your lips to hold your giggle because it tickles.

Jungkook pulled you to make you face him. You tried not to, but he was too strong to let you. Jungkook cuddled you the he started singing a song for you.

You closed your eyes while listening to his soothing voice. Every time he does that, you felt nothing but safe. That voice that he has makes you feel safe every time you hear it; it makes you feel like you're home. He is your home.

"Mianhae, jagi." Jungkook said the moment he ended the song. You hugged him back as a sign of forgiveness. Jungkook kissed your forehead and, "I won't over use my laptop again if it means getting you mad." His words made you smile.

You gave him a quick kiss on the lips and hugged him. "I love you so much, jagi. You are more important than my video games." Jungkook said and it made you giggled. "Of course I am." You replied. "And, I love you too, Kookie."


Just a short update so that you'll know I'm still alive. Sorry if it's not that good, I just wanted to update because I haven't updated for a very long time. That's all, annyeong~~~

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