Trust Fund Baby // JM

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Jimin is a well-known elite student in your university. He is one of the boys next door the ladies in your school dreams of. Known for his small yet dreamy eyes, his sharp jaw and his thick rosy lips. Every time Jimin walks on the school's hallway, you can see how girls are gawking for this guy. Their eyes screams for his attention. Some girls tend to fall on their feet purposely for Jimin to notice them. You mentally rolled your eyes remembering that cringey scene you witnessed.

But honestly, you can see why girls are crazy for him. Who wouldn't? Jimin is the perfect man of your dreams. He's smart, charming, and a beautiful boy with a beautiful heart. Him being rich is just a bonus. Too bad no matter how much you like him, he can't be yours.

As the bell rang, you quickly went to your locker and grabbed your stuff. School was over and it's time for you to go to the café you work part-time in. You rode your bike on your way there, you pedaled your way there as fast as you can. Every second counts, you thought. A smile was present on your face when a familiar aroma greeted you. You parked your bicycle and quickly changed in your work clothes.

You loved working in this café. The people here are warm and nice. Your co-workers and boss are like family to you, they were the one who took care of you as you grew older.

You were in the middle of your shift when you suddenly heard the door open, and a wide smile was painted on your face. "Hey, Y/N." A familiar voice called you. It was none other than Park Jimin; the school's dream boy.

"What are you doing here?" You asked and checked the windows. You were scared of what people might think of Jimin when they see him with you. "Why are you being jumpy about this? Is it that bad to pay you a visit?" Jimin asked and sat on the vacant seat you were cleaning seconds ago.

"It's not." You answered and Jimin told you to sat with him. You were in the middle of your job but your seniors said it was okay, he's Jimin after all. Son of this place's owner. "Then what are you so worried about?" Jimin asked fixing his gaze to you.

"It's just that the people at school doesn't know about this closeness we have and it scares me whenever with you." You confessed. Jimin's face softened at the tone of your voice. He then questioned, "What is wrong in hanging with you?"

Jimin was actually your so-called 'childhood friend'. Jimin always tells you that you two are friends, but you know you aren't worthy of that title. Your parents worked as a driver and a care taker of the Parks. Not until when your parents died in an accident. You had nowhere to go, and the Parks decided to let you stay as their thanks for your parents' hard works.

You grew together in the same house. It was no problem for the Parks for you to be with them. Your childhood was a blast, especially with Jimin. He was your childhood crush. But then you decided to accept the reality that your social standings are far from each other. Heck even this café you work at is owned by the Parks. Don't get it wrong, you are very thankful for them, but liking Jimin is a different story.

You felt your heart crack with these thoughts you have. Jimin called your name once again, but tears were the only answer Jimin received. "Hey, why are you cry-"

"I'm afraid of what people might think of you when they knew that you are friends with the school's so-called tramp." There you said it. Jimin was silenced by your answer. "I'm so sorry, Jimin. I just-" Suddenly you felt soft lips on yours.

You couldn't breathe, not because of the kiss, but because of the butterflies you feel in your stomach. They went wild and you couldn't describe how you feel. Are you happy? Giddy? Confused? You definitely are confused of this situation. This must be just a dream.

You were silent than ever and Jimin looked at you with softness in his eyes. Confusion and shocked was painted all over your face. Your co-workers laughed at the sight of you. You even heard someone said 'finally'. What does that even mean?

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Jimin finally started to talk. "I was just so angry at you and your thoughts." He explained. "Ever since we were young, you look so lowly on yourself. So what if your parents used to work for mine? We're not friends for nothing, Y/N."

"But why would you-" You were about to ask a lot of questions but Jimin answered quickly. "I like you. How dense of you not to know that. Even they know that!" He pointed at your co-workers who was eavesdropping. They waved and smiled at you. "Why me?"

"Why not you?" Jimin answered fast and you felt his eyes darted on you. "There's a lot of reason why not me, Jimin." Jimin shook his head from left to right. "There's none."

"I'm not like other guys, Y/N." Jimin continued. "I don't like girls who are dependent on what they have. I like my woman independent. I want a girl who takes the bus and who wears baggy jeans, and those jeans fits you. I like them." Jimin pointed at your pants and winked. His wink made you cringe a little but you continued to listen. "I want a smart and strong girl."

"Mostly, the type of girl that I'm all about is she who brings the real man out of me. And you do. You made me better than who I used to be. If it weren't for you, I would still be the same brat you met 15 years ago." You were in awe. You couldn't process it all. Is this true? Are you dreaming? What? "Don't you like me too, Y/N?" Jimin questioned.

"I do. So much." You answered without hesitations. Jimin felt his heart jumping rapidly, but he wouldn't show it. "Then I see no problem." Jimin stood with a smile, even his eyes were smiling. He kissed your right cheek then said, "I'll see you later at home, baby."

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