Author's Note

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Hello Bookdragon! 

Welcome to my NaNoWriMo 2023 project! This is something I've never done before, so yay.

Naational Novel Writing Month is a 30 day challenge to write 50,000 words. Did you know that Talon the Black was written as my first ever NaNoWriMo project??

Okay, today marks the official kick off of the challenge. It will run through November 30th.

I have never posted my NaNoWriMo project up, chapter by chapter, on Wattpad as I write it. I usually wait until it's done. But, I'm just so excited to share this one! It will be fun to challenge myself. The best part? This lets my readers (you!!) see how my NaNoWriMo progress is going.

Please note: this means that this book will be UNEDITED AND MESSY. Don't worry about pointing out misspellings, grammar errors, etc. I won't be bothering to fix them right now. I'm writing for SPEED not PERFECTION.

The second Dragonwall Royals book is loooong overdue! If you haven't read the first one, For the Crown, you can find it on Amazon and other booksellers world wide. 


Also,  my Dragonwall map received an overhaul. I hired a professional illustrator to design some gorgeous dragons and border elements, following in the footsteps of some of my favorite fantasy book maps. I can't wait to share it with you! It's going to be part of the re-published version of Talon the Black and the entire Dragonwall Series.

Lastly, because I'm posting this as I write it, chapters will pop up randomly, once I've completed them, possibly as frequently as one per day. I will NOT be reading through them. So there WILL BE TYPOS. I cannot stress that enough. This will be an imperfect copy that doesn't quite get the same level of editing that my other books get. But it will let you see into more of my writing process. Also, I might have to go back and change things, like little details, as the story grows.

Okay, I think that covers it! I hope you're excited to take this journey with me. I cannot wait to share this new Dragonwall story with you. 

All my best,


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