Chapter 26 - Flourish and Grow

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Theo stayed another week in Woodport, helping Torin settle into his new role. He'd been so eager to return to Kastali Dun, to his old life. Now, he didn't mind lingering. This was Sophie's home, and wherever she was, was where he wanted to be. Besides, he wasn't eager to take her from the place she'd known all her life, even if she was eager to experience something new.

"You're sure you've got everything you need?" he asked again, eying the trunks stacked neatly together. Gundry would be bringing them in his travel wagon to the port at Squall's End, where a ship was waiting. It turned out he wasn't taking the trip alone. Amelina was joining him, because she'd insisted as Sophie's best friend, she would not be left behind.

Soren had opted to stay in Woodport for a few more months to help his brother adapt. Mostly for moral support, since he'd never taken the time or interest in politics. But he'd be on his way to the capital in time for their bonding ceremony, which Theo assured them would be months from now, because his mother would want plenty of time to make kingdom wide plans.

Sophie hadn't rejected the idea of a long engagement, even if he'd wanted her to. He was eager to bond with her. But he chalked that up to his dragon's possessive desire to have her completely. And, if he was being perfectly honest, his too.

"There are only a few gowns I'm truly attached to," Sophie explained, eying her luggage. "And a few paintings." She'd made sure to wrap the painting of him very carefully before placing it in the large trunk with her most precious art pieces. The rest, she'd claimed, could be left behind for when she came back to visit.

She wanted to start a new life, and that meant new things, too.

He liked the idea. He'd buy her as many godsdamned gowns—and whatever else—as she wanted. After all, when he returned, he'd have full access to his coffers again. That had been part of the bargain. He ended the rebellion, at Sophie's side, of course, and he'd get his accounts back. Only now, he had something much more worthwhile to be spending his money on.

"Ready to get going?" Sophie asked, looking up at him, cheeks flushed with excitement.

"More than ready," he grinned, excited to fly with her. Even if there was one more thing they had to do first.

They made their way through the keep, saying goodbye to a few more people. She gave Tatiana and Halley hugs. They'd opted to stay behind with their families; he didn't blame them. Sophie had already met with her rebellion operatives two days prior. She'd enjoyed a boisterous night at The Round Barrel, one of the nicer taverns in Woodport, celebrating the end of a rebellion and her mate bond, because yes, she'd told Edric and he'd told everyone else. They also spent the time mourning over everyone they'd lost. She told him about Sari and Sari's family, about Letty, about all the people who'd made sacrifices for the greater good.

He'd listened, admiring the way she remembered every single name, every single loss. He'd forced himself to also commit those names to memory. Because they meant something to her, but also because they meant something to their kingdom.

Theo had spoken with Torin later that night. The young lord had promised him that every family who'd lost someone to the rebellion would be financially compensated. It wouldn't bring their loved ones back, but it was the absolute least Woodport's new lord could do, to make up for what the previous lord had done. There would also be a monument erected just outside the forest's edge, with all the names of those lost carved into its surface.

Woodport would always remember.

Sophie led him down into the dungeons. He hadn't wanted her to see her father, but she'd insisted. It was the final, necessary task in preparation for their departure, and she'd put it off for days. They found both Hawthorne and the ex-lord sitting in near comfort, their cells illuminated to show a cot, table, arm chair, and chamber pot. It wasn't as bad as most dungeon dwellers received.

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