Chapter 14 - Churning Suspicion

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Theo found Edric exactly where he'd promised to be, seated on a barstool in The Quick Whisperer. It was a boisterous night, loud conversations laced with gossip over what had happened in the lord's dungeons. That news would be on everyone's mind for days to come.

His comrades took up seats at a table nearby, leaving him to drag out a stool and plop down next to the rebel's second in command. "I thought I made my desires clear," he drawled. "I want to speak with Lady Mask."

She wasn't here, as he'd hoped.

"You made 'em clear enough," Edric growled, lifting his tankard and finishing it before slamming it down on the bar top. He flicked his fingers, motioning for anther. The bar man took the mug, refilled it, and set it before them, looking towards Theodred before widening his eyes. Theo motioned with his head, declining a drink.

There was only one thing he wanted tonight.

"You think that just because you freed me, I'll turn into your lapdog?" Edric lifted his brows.

Theo slid his jaw back and forth, trying not to clench his teeth. Every nerve in his body was on edge—had been, since sweet Sophie had almost kissed him earlier that afternoon. Gods, he'd wanted to kiss her, too. And yet, he'd held back.

It wasn't because he'd promised her father he'd be honorable. Not entirely, anyway. It had a lot more to do with the kiss he'd shared with Lady Mask. He wasn't entirely ready to give up on that. Even remembering it sent a wave of pure want rushing through him. He'd feared that a kiss with Sophie would only be something to whet his appetite. Truthfully, he was holding out for whatever else Lady Mask might have in store for him.

Sophie was worth more than that, even if he did already feel something for her. She deserved someone better, someone committed. Besides, she was already engaged.

"I want to speak with Lady Mask," he found himself growling in Edric's direction.

"Relax, Princeling. I'll take you too her just as soon as I finish my drink." Edric lifted it to his lips. He looked the rebel over, trying to determine if the man was lying. "You did free me, did you not? Guess that earns you a meeting with her, at the very least."

He huffed, but said nothing else as Edric drained his tankard, then threw a handful of coins on the bar top and stood. Theo stood with him, throwing a quick glance at the others. They rose and followed him out.

Edric took him around a set of storefronts and through a back door leading into a storage room. Judging by the bolts of fabric, it was a clother. His eyes homed in on the cloaked figure sitting in the shadows almost instantly, like a beacon. Lady Mask. Something in his chest loosened at the sight of her, even disguised as she was. Just her mere presence had the pressure easing.

He didn't care to explain why, or acknowledge how much power that feeling had over him.

"Thank you, Edric, you can leave us—all of you."

Edric tensed beside Theo. "I am not sure that is a good idea, my lady—"

"He freed you, did he not? Surely that earns some trust on his part?"

"Unless he freed me just to get to you."

"Do you truly believe that?"

Theo watched their back and forth, fascinated. Her voice was low, almost a whisper. But familiar, as if all the nights he'd been dreaming of her had imprinted upon his soul.

Edric's shoulders fell. "We'll be just outside, my lady."

He felt a rush of satisfaction. Was it selfish to want her alone, all to himself? At this point, he had no reason to harm her—the opposite, in fact, much to his annoyance.

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