Chapter 19 - This Changes Nothing

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I directed our operatives through the trees, lifting a hand to give the signal. We slowed our pace as our hideout came into view. We were in good spirits, riding the high of a successful raid. We'd stolen enough raw wood to get us through the next few weeks.

Prince Theodred had been nothing short of magnificent. His companions too. They'd made quick work of the mercenary guards at the sawmill, killing them to ensure they wouldn't talk. We couldn't risk my father knowing the prince was on our side now.

I kept my mask firmly in place.

That didn't seem to matter. Theo still looked at me with fire in his eyes. It only made my insides turn hot and oozy. My want for him was palpable; it appeared my body had completely betrayed my mind. I could practically taste him like a phantom flavor on my tongue.

For the past three days, I'd replayed our kisses over and over until my mind begged me to put it out of its misery. To kiss him again. But I couldn't—wouldn't.

I'd replayed our conversation too. Especially the part where he'd blatantly said he didn't want me marrying Hawthorne. Gods, I didn't want me marrying Hawthorne either. I was so against it, that when Theo had announced his plan to strip my father of his titles, my first thought had been how I could use the situation to get out of my upcoming marriage.

I'd never felt so selfish in all my life. Then I'd sat there arguing with him, saying whatever I needed to, to get a rise out of him. A reaction. To feel his jealousy.


Because I was pathetic. It felt like ages ago when I'd told him, point blank, that I'd never fall at his feet. That if he and I the last living people in Dragonwall, I'd never want him. It hadn't been a lie.

As it turned out, I was all too eager to go back on my word, because now I was pining after him. It was ridiculous. I hated it. Hated him, for making me feel things, hot uncomfortable things, despite who he was. Despite his spoiled attitude, his reputation, his very existence.

The others moved a little quicker, rushing to deposit our wood in the storage area of the caves. It would be parsed out, then delivered to those who needed it most. I couldn't help the warmth that unfurled in my chest.

"So...this is where you've been hiding, all this time," Theo mused, throwing me a grin. "I should have known there'd be caves in these woods."

We slipped through the entry. Theo was close on my heels, his four companions following after. Orange firelight danced on the walls. It was a bustle of activity as wood was stacked against the far wall.

Theo turned in a circle, regarding the space.

Our operatives gave him respectful glances as they passed by. Except those he'd freed. They'd greeted him almost reverently, with shy, thankful smiles. Even Edric, who'd greeted the prince with a firm handshake. Like they'd known each other for years.

He'd used his charm to win them over.

Amelina swept up to me, taking my hands. Her eyes darted towards the prince, only briefly, before settling on me. "I think we have good reason to celebrate tonight, yes?"

I huffed a laugh. "I suppose we do. Not just a successful raid, but the impending end to a rebellion."

Her eyes widened. "Truly?!"

"Yes, I'm planning to make the announcement momentarily."

Her cheeks glowed with excitement, hope. Again, her eyes darted towards the prince. I couldn't blame her for being shy in his presence. He was sickeningly handsome.

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