Chapter 12 - A Step in the Right Direction

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Theo listened to Xander recount the escapades of his afternoon with only partial interest. His head was still too caught up on his own activities. On Lady Sophie Lasker. It surprised him that a lady would endear herself to him within minutes. It certainly hadn't happened before, and almost...almost made him feel guilty about demanding a kiss from Lady Mask. Also stupid, since he'd never felt guilty about these things. He owed Sophie Lasker nothing, after all. They'd only just met—

"My prince, are you even listening?"

"What? Oh. Yes, yes, go on."

Xander huffed and shook his head. "You weren't. You are off in dreamland."

The door flew open. Amil, Fallon, and Idris strode in. The look on Amil's face made him immediately wary, especially when Amil said, "I hear you spent the afternoon with a certain lady of the house."

Xander's mouth popped open. "What lady?!" he demanded.

Theo sighed loudly, letting his head fall back against the sofa.

"Apparently," Amil announced, "Lord Lasker has a daughter, and our princeling spent the entire afternoon walking the battlements with her."

"And you didn't think to tell me while I droned on about my day? No wonder you were hardly listening," Xander scoffed.

Theo waved a hand. "It's nothing. We just went for a walk."

"Except it's not nothing," Fallon said, taking a seat beside him. "Because Lord Lasker failed to mention he had a daughter. Did you stop to think? Perhaps this is all too convenient. Perhaps this Sophie Lasker is our Lady Mask."

Theo barked a laugh. "Really? I doubt it. Lord Lasker wouldn't hide his daughter away to protect her identity as a rebel leader, when said rebel leader is destroying his wood trade." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "She's...unwell. I thought he was lying but...she looks as if she's hardly sleeping."

Fallon snorted. "If she's Lady Mask, she'd be up all night, wouldn't she?"

Theo's cheeks flushed with annoyance. "She was a direct opposite to Lady Mask," he snapped. "Her voice was softer, her countenance more demure."

"It could all be an act," Idris pointed out, backing up Fallon's argument.

"If it is, I'll discover the truth. I plan to see her again—tomorrow, in fact."

Later that evening, they found their way down to the dungeons. He couldn't get their accusations off his mind. If there was some way to discover Lady Mask's identity, then he'd take it. Speaking with Edric was at the top of his list.

Lord Lasker's guards glanced up from their dinners around the table in the key room and eyed them with surprise.

"I am here to speak with Edric," Theo said, leaving no room for argument.


"The rebel we captured." He lifted his brows. They knew exactly whom he spoke of.

"Of...of course, Your Highness. But...surely you'd like to come back in the morning, perhaps? At a more convenient time."

"There's nothing inconvenient about our timing," Fallon said, stepping forward to glare at the guard.

"Yes...yes indeed. This way, then." He shared a nervous glance with his comrade before abandoning his food. He stood and grabbed the keyring from the wall before leading them down the corridor.

A scream split the silence, making Theo's steps falter. "What was that?"

"Oh. Just...the prisoners. Got some of them in for questioning. Like Edric."

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