Chapter 15 - He's Not Mine

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I entered my sleeping chamber to the sound of raised voices and froze. My cloak and mask were stashed just inside the hidden passage. I glanced down at my gown, the hem dirtied from my night out.

" really think you will overpower me?" I recognized that voice—all too well.

"I can try, Princeling. But if you take another step, I'll summon Lord Lasker. Do you really want to explain to him why you're trying to enter his daughter's chambers in the middle of the night?"

"Gods," I cursed, my heart taking off into a gallop. Enter my chambers? My worry was warranted, then. I'd seen something in his expression earlier.

Silently, I rushed across the room and dove into bed, pulling the blankets up around me. The bed curtains were already down, a precaution I always took before leaving at night, so that if anyone entered my room, they'd assume I was in bed sleeping.

There was a reason I'd rushed back here so quickly. I hadn't even taken time speak with Edric, to explain my discussion with the prince. Something about his rushed departure, the small shows of surprise, had left me on edge. He'd come straight here.

Worry wiggled like worms in my belly. He suspected me. How much longer could I keep my identity secret?

"Gundry?" I called. "Is that you? Prince Theodred?"

The door to my chambers clicked open before Gundry said, "Forgive me, my lady. I caught the prince making a beeline for your room and thought to waylay him. Do tell me this isn't some pre-arranged clandestine meeting between the two of you."

I wanted to throw my arms around Gundry's neck, thank him for his quick thinking. He alone knew I'd be leaving my chambers tonight. If he caught the prince coming this way, then he'd acted in my best interest, delaying him. Otherwise, the prince would have arrived to an empty bed. He'd have known, surely.

I reached out a hand to pull back one of the bed curtains, just enough for my face to pop out. "Of...of course not. Prince...Theodred?" I disguised my voice enough to sound muffled, groggy. "What's going on? Has something happened?"

"Nothing, Sophie. I...I just needed to check that you were all right." His voice softened.

The yellow glow of sconces from the hall spilled into my sleeping chambers, but it was still too dark to see his expression. Still, I didn't miss the way his shoulders relaxed, as if he was relieved to find his suspicions disproved.

"I'm fine, Theo. Truly. Are're dressed. Have you not slept tonight?"

His throat cleared. "I'll be heading to bed momentarily. Forgive the intrusion. I know your sleep is precious." His gaze stayed fixed on me a moment longer. My gaze darted down, and I silently cursed. Could he see the sliver of my gown peeping out of the blankets? See enough to know that it wasn't the kind of night dress a lady usually slept in?

"Goodnight, Sophie." He turned on his heel and departed.

Gundry waited a long time after the prince had gone before closing the door and coming to my bedside. He struck a flint and the yellow glow of a candle burst into life. "You're walking a dangerous path, Sophie," he murmured, taking up a chair. I sat up, sighing, before kicking my feet from beneath the blankets. They were dirtied now, from my gown's hem. Wasn't sure how I'd explain that to my lady's maids when they stripped the bedding next time. I'd need feign an episode and climb into bed with my day clothes, play it off that way, so they wouldn't question the dirt.

"He suspects you," Gundry continued. "What happened tonight that tipped him off?"

I stood up from bed, then began to pace. "I...I don't know. Everything went well. He agreed to help us—truly help us, Gundry!" I couldn't disguise my eagerness, my surprise, elation, even. "I...I almost don't want to believe it. But we talked and...I might have let slip some of my apprehension about...I don't know. Lord Lasker's daughter? Or...maybe it was my mention of painting? I cannot be sure. But there were a few moments where he studied me a little too intently. Especially after..."

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