Chapter 21 - A Kiss In the Gallery

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I picked at my breakfast, struggling to find my appetite. Sleep had been impossible to find. Between our raid on the sawmill, my father's ambush at the caves, and Theo, my head was spinning. It hadn't stopped since last night—

"My lady, surely you're hungry?" Tatiana said, looking at me with a frown.

"I'm...not at my best this morning," I explained. Not exactly a lie.

My door opened and Halley walked in. "The entire castle is bursting with news!"

"News?" both Tatiana and I said at the same time.

"The rebel base! It's been found."

My stomach heaved. It felt like I'd lost my balance, like I was stumbling around blind and there was a cliff nearby; any moment I'd topple over and there was no telling when. Our people were relying on our rebellion, on our raids to get what they needed. They needed the wood that we'd stolen last night. Now, they'd never get it, not if the base was in the hands of my father. Worse still, there'd be no more raids with our headquarters compromised.

It had been naive of me to hope Theo's drengr had killed all of the mercenaries.

"That'," I finished, uncertain what else to say.

My throat was closing up. I felt as though I needed to lay down. Yet, I was too restless for it.

A new thought occurred, one that worried me even more. If my father knew where our rebel base was located, he'd also know about Theo's involvement. It would be impossible to cover the fact that five drengr had been there during the attack, defending the rebels. Theo had gotten me out, preserving my identity, but giving up his own was almost as bad.

"My lady? Are you unwell? Should we send for the healer?" Halley rushed over to me, crouching by my chair. Her features were lined with worry.

"What?" I glanced down, only to notice the hand clutched to my stomach. "Oh. No. I mean...just not much of an appetite, is all." I removed my hand and leaned back, trying to paint a neutral expression on my face. I didn't want them fussing over me today.

Halley's eyes lingered over me a beat longer before she nodded. "I'll set about tidying your chambers, then. Perhaps you would like to retire to your gallery for a time, while we fuss about in here?"

My shoulders sagged. "Yes. I think that would be a good idea. It will give you room to work without me getting in the way." Not to mention, space for me to breathe.

Halley and Tatiana shared a look before Tatiana said, "I'll get you settled in your gallery, make sure you have all you need."

I thanked them both, then allowed Tatiana to escort me to the gallery farther down the hall. There were only three rooms on this floor, in this wing, mostly because my gallery took up all the space. As soon as I entered, I felt less unsettled. The smell of paint and canvas, the bright light, the open space, was all calming.

I took a deep, settling breath. I could do this. I could get through today.

Tatiana helped me slip into a paint smock, to ensure my gown didn't get ruined. I thanked her as she tied it tightly behind me, then dismissed her. When she left, I stood, soaking in the blessed silence.

For a while, I stared at my work. There were easels stacked against the wall, of projects I'd done over the years, some better than others, some abandoned because of disinterest. Whatever was on display currently sat about in various stages of fully complete or half finished. I spotted a few of my ongoing works, tempted to continue, then decided against it. Instead, I found a blank canvas and set it on an easel facing one of the large windows that overlooked the central courtyard below.

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