Chapter 16 - Everything You Need

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Sophie stumbled into Prince Theodred's room, her eyes wide, before he slammed the door behind her. "Want to explain this, Lady Mask?" He held up the mask he'd found only an hour ago. He wasn't sure how to feel about this. Surprised? Relieved? Sophie gaped at him, her mouth opening and closing. "It is yours, is it not? I found it in the passage leading into your sleeping chamber. Along with the cloak you wore to meet me last night."

A sharp pain burst across his cheek, accompanied by the sound of a smak.

He blinked, pressing his hand against his cheek. "Did you just...?!"

"How dare you go into my room and invade my privacy, selfish wretch!"

A low laugh rumbled in his chest, getting louder and louder. Well, well, well. This was something!

He had annoyed and even even angered a few women in his past. His caviler ways weren't exactly the picture of honorable. But no one had ever slapped him for it.

Sophie held no such reservations about his title. She wasn't the demure little creature she appeared to be. No, that was just one facet of her.

Her chest rose and fell in rapid bursts. He took in her face anew, the bow shape of her rosy lips, the high cheekbones, her short brown hair. He'd never gotten a good look at Lady Mask's hair, always hidden beneath a hood. Otherwise he might have connected the dots sooner. She'd lopped off the long length to sit just at her shoulders, something most ladies didn't do.

"Gods, you're so painfully beautiful I can't look away," he managed, and he meant it. Her rage filled icy blue eyes widened. She hadn't expected that.

He took a step closer, and then another, until the tips of his boots touched the tips of hers, until he could all but feel every curve of her body against his. She didn't flee from him, standing her ground with her fists clenched at her sides. He lifted the mask, positioning it over her face. Holding it there. She stared at him through the eyeholes. His arm dropped, the mask tumbling to the ground.

Before he could think better of it, he cupped her face in his hands, carefully, gently, and brought his mouth to hers. She gave a tiny squeak of surprise. He waited for her to pull away. When she didn't, he deepened the kiss.

His entire body erupted as she melted against him, as her hands tangled in his tunic, then roamed to the hem and slipped beneath. The feel of her touch against his skin sent shivers everywhere. He groaned. Gods, this woman!

It wasn't just the way she made him feel. It was her. Everything she was. Sophie Lasker. Lady Mask. Rebel leader. All of these aspects wrapped up into one person. She'd turned on her own father, her own family, for a cause she believed in.

All of the pieces clicked into place.

Her tongue brushed up against his, bold and unapologetic. She kissed him the way Lady Mask traded words with him. He met her stoke for stroke.

His hands fisted in her hair, her soft hair, cradling her face to his. Holding her like she might run. He wouldn't stand for it, couldn't bear the thought of her retreating from him—

His door opened. "Oops! Godsdamn it."

Sophie stiffened and jerked backwards, trying to escape him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him, caging her to him. "It's all right," he breathed against her ear, trying to sooth the racing heart he felt beneath his bicep. "Xander doesn't bite."

"You...we...I...I am betrothed!" Her face was flushed as she struggled to find words.

"That's never stopped the ladies before," Xander teased. His eyes darted down to the mask at the ground, then up to Sophie's face. Then he began to laugh. The door closed behind him. "Have you told the others?" he asked Theo.

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